5. Telling Families/ The Boys/ Fans

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Namjoon 💖


Today we are going to tell our families that we are expecting our second child. My parents and Y/ N's parents are over at our place today and we are going to tell them the big news soon and we can't wait to. It was only a few months ago when we brought up about having a second baby in front of them. We know they will all be so happy for us when he tell them. We are finding the right time to tell them today. Our parents are talking and catching up with each other. They love seeing us and spending time with Namjae of course. "Are you getting good at reading, Namjae?" Y/ N's mom asks. "Yes, Halmeoni I am. Should I show you" Namjae replies. Namjae's reading has improved a lot. He will be 4 soon. Our boy is a smart kid. He shows Y/ N's mom how good he is. He won't be going to school for two kids years though but we wanted to get him started early to develop his skills. Y/ N's mom was impressed. I look at Y/ N and I think we agree that it's the right time to tell them. "Okay. Me and Y/ N have something exciting to tell you" I say. "I think I know what it is" my mom said. "We will well you" I say. "A while she we were talking about having another baby and yep that is true. Y/ N is pregnant. We are having our second baby" I said. "That's wonderful news. Just what I wanted to hear" my mom said. "Just what I wanted to hear too. Awwww another grandchild" Y/ N's mom said. "That's amazing. I can't wait" her dad said. "Me too. Namjae, you're going to be a big brother. I bet you're so excited" my dad said. "Yes I am, Harabeoji" Namjae said. "He's been showing for a baby sister for ages. We hope it will be a girl" Y/ N said. So we told our parents our baby news and they are all so happy for us. Can't wait to tell the boys now

Hoseok 💜

We are going to tell the boys that we are expecting our second child today. Me and Chaeyoung have dropped by the studio today. Mainly to tell them the news. Hoseok and the guys are working really hard on their next album. We know they will be really pleased and happy to find out that we are having another baby. Chaeyoung is so happy to learn that she is going to be a big sister. They are currently in the middle of recording a song right now so it's not a good time. Chaeyoung is sat on my lap watching them intently. "Go, appa" she keeps on pointing to Hoseok. He smiles and waves at her. Soon the guys stop for a break. "There's my little princess. I could see you smiling at me" he said picking Chaeyoung up. "Appa amazing" she said. He kisses her. "That was awesome, guys" Namjoon said. "Yep" Jin said. "I'm tired. I don't know about you guys" Yoongi said. "Maybe this is a good time to tell them our news, sweetheart" Hoseok said to me. "Yes I think if is, Hobi" I reply. "Ummm so what is it?" Jimin asks. "Me and Y/ N have been trying to have another baby recently. All the trying and hoping has paid off as we are having another baby" Hoseok said. "OMG really. Yay! We gonna be uncles again" Taehyung said. "We are. Amazing" Namjoon said. "It's gonna be another little princess I think" Jimin said. "No it's gonna be a boy. A mini Hobi" Jin said. "We don't mind if it's a boy or a girl just as long as we have a healthy and happy child" Hobi says. "Let's face it, Hobi. You're going to be a girl dad" Jungkook said. "I already am" he said. We told the boys about us having another baby and yes they are really happy for us

Jin 💙

Every now and then me, Jin and the kids like to do a family V Live. We like to see fans and keep them updated with what's going in our lives. We are not thrusting our kids into the spotlight of anything but doing that. We like to involve them with things though. We are going to do one tonight after dinner. We try and do one once a month if we can. If life doesn't get in the way. We are definitely doing one tonight. We are finishing dinner now and then we are doing it. Jiyeon and Jinhwan helps us tidy up. "Thank you, kids. Good job" Jin said. "You're welcome, daddy" Jiyeon said. "Should we do the V Live" I say. "Yes" Jinhwan said. "Come on, kids. Let's tell the world you are having a little brother or sister" Jin said picking Jinhwan up. We make ourselves comfortable on the couch and we set up V Live and go love to everyone. "Hey, Army. It's Jin, Y/ N, Jiyeon and...." Jin said. Jinhwan went all shy like he usually does. "Jinhwan. Sorry he's gone all shy again" I say. "Hope everyone it's been well. We are. It's been a while" Jin said. Jiyeon smiles and waves to the fans. We talk for a few minutes and then get onto revealing the news. Can't wait to see what Armys think of us having our third child. "So we have some news to share to you" Jin said. "Yes we do. We are really excited to announce this to you" I smile. "Yep we are. We are having another baby. We've been trying for a while and Y/ N is finally pregnant again. We cannot wait for latest bundle of joy" Jin said. "We are all so excited for this baby" I say. "You're so excited, kids. Aren't you?" Jin said. "Yes I can't wait" Jiyeon said. "Yep" Jinhwan said quietly. We ended the V Live there. We got lots of comments from fans congratulating us on our wonderful news which was so sweet. We read through them all before we went to bed

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