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China pov

I pulled to my Godmother house it was three in morning I have  been spending a lot with time with Rj and time just got from me..

I opened the door I tried my best to quiet and walking up the stairs because I didn't want to wake my god mama up ..

The light shoot on and I fell down the stairs..

China Nicole Smith  where hell you been my god Mom said firmly ..

I was out with some friends.. I said nervously..

The only thing open this late is strip clubs and legs .. my good mama said looking at me ..

I wasn't having sex I was at a boys house we where watching movies and Chilling and I feel asleep that's why I am late ..

Okay China I believe but you better not ever come back my house this again do you understand me young lady ..

Yes I understand I said Turing around to head to my room ..

China your mom called she wants to see you she booked you fight to go Texas next weekend.. My good mama said ...

Tell her she wasted her money I am not going to see that lady .. I said bluntly

Know China don't be like that I thought you wanted to go see Lia I know you miss her..

Yeah I miss my sister not my mama I said rolling my eyes ..

Well maybe if you go to Texas you and mom can officially work things out ..

Umm I don't think I said walking in my room and closing the door..

I took a shower and got in my bed thank god tomorrow was Saturday...

iMessage for Rj🥰
You home lil girl I hope I didn't get you trouble see you tomorrow alright .

I read the message from Rj and being to think how I really feel about him .. I really think like him and I know he likes me even tho he so danm mean.

I rolled over on my side and drifted off to sleep...

Lia pov

I was headed to Dee house for Jacks party.. I was going try my best not to talk to Any at the party if I could I honestly I didn't want to deal with everything around everybody..

Pulled up to Dee house it was a lot of people in the house when I walked in ...

Hey bitch Kim said hugging me ..

Hey I said hugging her back ...

Umm so what's going  with you & Ant because he most definitely is watching you right know Kim said sipping her Hennessy..

Man girl I don't and I don't care .. I said throwing my hair over my shoulder..:

Umm okay whatever you say Lia Kim said walking away...

I walked to back yard where everybody else and of course Ant ass was following me..

Ant looked so good he had on some black jeans and a black tee shirt and some all white forces..

Everybody was dancing having a good time and then must be nice came on by Lyfe Jennings ..

This was me and Ant song we this song to each other all the time..

I signed walking to bar to get refill on my henny and I felt somebody walk behind me and grabbed my waist..

So this what we do know you act like you didn't see over there ? Ant said in my ear

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