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Six weeks later.

Good morning mommy baby I said kissing Aj.:

This baby is most definitely his daddy Child he even mugs people like him..

I took Aj clothes off and place him inside his bath tube ..

After I finished bathing Aj I place him on the bed and put Vaseline and baby magic on body ..

I was getting in the middle of getting Aj dressed to go to my moms house and Ant walked in.

I just rolled my eyes and continued get Aj so we go because I don't want argue with him. 

Oh so we still doing this Ant said looking  at me ..

I just walked in the living room and fixed AJ diaper bag..

Lia Zamya I know you here me talking to you Ant said. following me into the living room.

What Andrew i said looking at him.

Man wtf is your problem he said looking ..

You You You ! I  Your always  at the club all times of nights with them hoes and then come home at seven in the morning like I am supposed to be okay with that shit  then the one time I asked you to help with your child your busy .. I said loudly

What else do you want me to do I got work to play the bills and  what you trying to say I am not  a good father or shit . Ant said mugging me

Man how you a father but you care more about sell crack and making sure some strippers straight before your child I said bluntly.

Ant didn't say anything he just looked wallked away..

I picked up AJ and headed to Ants truck because my car as in the shop.
Skip the car ride ..

I pulled to my mom house and grabbed Aj out his car seat and headed inside my mom house..

Hey baby my mama said grabbing Aj and seating on the couch..

Me and my mama had a conversation not to go long and we been getting real Close and she been a big help with Aj ..

China hurry up we going be late I said putting Aj bottles in the refrigerator..

I sat down on the couch trying to get my thoughts together because Ant really pissed me off I was over the whole day..

Lia what's baby my mama asked rocking Aj .:

Nothing mama I am just tried as hell.:

Y'all got into a Argument my mama said looking at me ..

How did you know I said looking confused..

Because ever time you have a disagreement with somebody you always make this faces or you become really mom said ..

Okay I am ready know China said standing in the hallway looking in mirror..

About time I said getting up kissing Aj and heading out the door...

China and I where meeting Dee and Kim at mall to buy things for Dee baby..

Skip the car ride..

Hi you guys Kim said all happy.;

Wassup I said dryly..

Okay so Lia is mad but how are you China Kim said looking at me ..

Girl I am fine just ready to get back California because I forgot how ghetto Texas is .:

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