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"oh you have got to be kidding me." jihoon nagged, grumpily entering the cabin, "couldn't they give us at least some personal space?" 

wonwoo and mingyu, who were the first in the tiny wooden house, turned around to meet the faces of those who had just walked in. soonyoung happily followed, his smile disappearing momentarily when his eyes landed on the intimidating figure of mingyu. he internally cursed, wishing he could turn around to leave again, but stopped in his tracks when he saw something unusual. 

mingyu smiled

that was definitely new to him. 

"you're soonyoung, right?" mingyu dropped his bag on the bottom bed (wonwoo already having claimed the bunkbed), smiling brightly as he walked over to the startled soonyoung. the boy was at a loss of words on seeing mingyu acting different than usual. 

"y-yes i am. you must be mingyu!" soonyoung quickly recovered, returning the smile brightly as he shook mingyu's hand, feeling relieved he wasn't as intimidating as he normally was. 

"you bet i am! oh, and that's wonwoo." mingyu said, pointing back at the curly haired boy whose eyes widened on hearing his own name being called out, turning around fully shy again when all three pairs of eyes in the cabin turned at him.

"h-hi." he silently said in his utterly low voice, turning back around in embarrassment as he tried to focus on his bag again. 

"hi wonwoo!" soonyoung waved in excitement, even when wonwoo didn't turn around to return it. honestly, soonyoung couldn't remember seeing the shy boy before. seeing his shy personality, he wondered who noticed him before. 

their attention averted to the loudly giggling couple who stumbled through the door, trying to act a little more normal when they noticed they weren't the first ones in the room. seungcheol politely smiled, showing off his perfectly white canines as he draped an arm around jeonghan's shoulder. 

"hi everyone! can we choose beds ourself? or did mister lee point out specific places as well?" he jokingly said, asking the question to whoever was listening in general. 

"we can pick ourselves!" mingyu happily answered, making both seungcheol and jeonghan give him a questioning look as to why he acted so different. even when mingyu noticed their judgmental glances, he couldn't stop smiling like an idiot, being utterly happy for no specific reason. or maybe just one..

"thanks mingyu!" seungcheol thanked him, leading him and jeonghan to a bunkbed all the way in the corner, "sad we don't have double beds though.." they heard him whisper to his boyfriend as the rest of the boys remained silent, curious about their conversation. 

"we don't need a double bed do we? just place the bags on the bottom bed, we can sleep together on the top, right?" jeonghan giggled, making seungcheol throw a shameless wink at him. 

"i swear to god, if i catch you two having sex you can sleep outside." jihoon grumpily said, making both jeonghan and seungcheol giggle in embarrassment as their cheeks turned a bright shade of red. 

mingyu slumped back to the bed, sneaking up to wonwoo from behind. "and i thought junhui and minghao were horrible. this couple is even worse." he whispered, inaudible for the rest to hear as silent chatter filled the cabin. 

wonwoo jumped a little on the unexpected presence behind him, turning around in a swift motion, making him jump a second time on noticing how close they actually were. just when mingyu was about to speak up again a loud voice filled the atmosphere, making the smile mingyu had worn for the whole time fade away in the mere of a second. 

"yo bitches! guess who's got the bed to himself! that's right! it's me!" lee chan confidently stepped inside, walking straight towards the bed he was about to claim. he dived into the sheets that lay neatly spread out on top of his bed, burying his nose in the pillow and lazily letting his bag fall off his shoulder next to him. 

following him were the chinese couple, smiling at the grumpy looking mingyu, who suddenly acted wholly different than how he had been acting all the time he was with wonwoo, which confused the elder, who still stood near him and observed his emotions up close. 

"don't you think the teacher is going to find out we switched pairs again? what if he comes to check on us tonight?" minghao asks in a worried tone, although he wouldn't switch with any one if he had the opportunity to sleep with his own boyfriend. 

"who cares! he can hardly force us when we're already sleeping, right? and besides that, i want to sleep with my boyfriend, he can't tell me what to do." junhui said, sounding like a total badass, which didn't match the small pout on his lips at all.

normally minghao would look tough in front of others, coming off as a little intimidating with his perfectionistic choice of clothing and his rude attitude. however, standing next to his boyfriend in a casual pair of jeans combined with a shirt gave him a way more approachable vibe. 

next up to walk inside were hansol and seungkwan, immediately followed by seokmin actively chattering to jisoo, making the group of thirteen teens complete. 

"i see most of you have chosen beds already?" seungkwan asked, gaining everyones attention. hansol just stood next to him, as relaxed as always, the only thing missing on him was a pair of headsets since he preferred listening to seungkwan's voice more. 

"you can chose which one of the two you want kwan!" seokmin offered, jisoo admiring him for his polite manners.

"do you have any preferences hansol?" seungkwan asked in a honey sweet voice, something no one in that room was used to from the boy who usually made fun of everyone and spoke in fluent sass. 

"let's take that one." hansol calmly answered, pointing out an empty bunkbed across the room. a little too broad smile spread over his face when he saw seungwkan nodding cutely. 

"that makes it easy for us!" seokmin said enthusiastically, dropping his bags next to the bed located right next to the door. jisoo seemed pretty satisfied with the choice of bed as well, putting his bags down next to seokmin's as they would discuss later who'd sleep where. 

"now we're all complete!" seungcheol suddenly announced, sitting on the top of his bunkbed, drawing all the attention to him and jeonghan who sat closely next to him, "let's get to know each other!"

"great idea!" jisoo followed, seokmin being the one now who looked up at him in admiration. 

"let's make it an unforgettable four days!" all eyes turned to mingyu, surprised as to why the normally tensed boy loosened up out of sudden and wore an unusually huge smile. 

but soon enough, relieved sighs were heard, although many tried to not let it be too clear. seeing him like that was better than what they were used from him.

the atmosphere inside their cabin suddenly felt right and cozy. getting through the next three (including this one four) days might be better than it seemed at first sight after all. 

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