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Elijah and Greyson were delighted when Simon invited them to accompany him to see Darius in California, but Simon was just happy that he was able to go. He needed to have a long conversation with his fellow high ranking demon to receive advice on how to tame his soulmate.

Simon was busy packing his bag when the door to his room opened and Kayden walked in, not offering a smile or any kindness.

"Paxton said you had the stuff from my apartment," Kayden stated, crossing his arms. "Where is it?"

Simon walked over to the closet and pulled out a duffel bag. "You don't have many possessions," he said.

Kayden rolled his eyes. "No shit," he said, opening the bag and shuffling through it. "I'm an eighteen year old who's trying to pay rent while getting a job and trying to find a way to pay for college. Obviously I don't have much stuff!"

"What's that?" Simon asked as Kayden pulled out a small, white, fluffy object.

Kayden blushed and showed Simon the tiny, stuffed ghost he'd been given for his seventh birthday by his childhood best friend who moved away when he was nine.

"You're eighteen and still have stuffed animals?" Simon asked, the amusement clear in his tone and face.

Huffing, Kayden shoved the ghost toy under his arm. "It was the only stuffed animal I had going up. My parents didn't believe in stuffed animals and only got me books and puzzles to make me smarter," he said.

Simon noticed then how damaged the toy was. It was white, but it had a yellow tint to it from how old it was and there were little pieces falling from the seams and fluff sticking out of it.

"Your parents sound boring."

"They're still my parents," Kayden said, pulling out a pair of sweats and a shirt so he could finally change out of the sticky, dry shirt that he'd been wearing all day. "So don't be rude.

Simon turned around so Kayden could change, even though he wished he could stare at his soulmate as he stripped down and redressed himself.

"Why'd you leave if they're so caring?" Simon asked.

"I never said they were caring. I said they're my parents," Kayden corrected. "They're actually assholes who kicked me out once I graduated and told me to make a life for myself and once I figure it out to come home and get out house by them to raise good little Christian babies."

Simon chuckled. "Poor religious bastards," he said, approaching Kayden and standing behind him, making the human jump when he felt the demon behind them. "They want you to marry a good girl but you're the soulmate to a male demon. Huh?"

"You can be my soulmate all you want," Kayden said, pushing Simon away. "It means nothing to me. I will find some way out of here."

Simon smirked. "I'll make you fall for me before you get the chance," he said, leaving Kayden where he stood and grabbing his bag. "I'm going to meet with a fellow demon so Paxton will be keeping an eye on you for a few days."

Kayden's jaw dropped. "That's not fair!" he exclaimed. "You can't just leave me with some baby sitter because you have work stuff!"

"It's not for work," Simon corrected, opening the drawer to the nightstand and taking out his wallet. "And I can leave you here. Watch me."

"I want to go, too."


Kayden groaned and stomped out of the room, searching for Paxton and finding him hiding in one of the guest rooms, typing away on his computer.

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