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Simon decided they would stay for the entire trip with Elijah and Greyson since Kayden seemed to enjoy talking with Indigo and Alvis and had become friends with Darius.

They went to the beach every night that they stayed in California, Simon dealing with his desire to cuddle with Kayden by convincing his soulmate to wear one of his jackets. Even though he wanted to accept that Kayden was growing more comfortable with him, Simon knew that it was still going to be a while until his soulmate let him touch him.

California had overall been a fun trip, but they'd finally reached their last morning of their stay, and Simon was stuck with Kayden's brooding as he packed.

"Can't we stay for a few more days?" Kayden asked, throwing his clothes into his bag without bothering to fold them. "Indigo was going to show me the city!"

Simon chuckled as Kayden stomped around the room, packing up his stuff in annoyance. "You'll see them again. They can come visit or we'll come back at some point," Simon said, trying to help Kayden with his bag but getting a glare and a gentle shove from the human.

Kayden didn't think he'd actually enjoy the trip; he'd only done it out of spite for Simon but now he wanted to stay with his new friends.

"Fine," Kayden agreed, zipping up his duffel bag and throwing the strap over his shoulder. "How soon? Indigo mentioned something about a celebration-"

"We're not going," Simon said in a stiff tone, thinking about how uncomfortable Kayden would be. "It's nothing you're prepared for."

Kayden scoffed. "I can handle being around demons, Simon," he said, sitting on the bed while Simon finished up his own packing. "Haven't I proved that?"

"It's not just being around demons. The celebration is a giant sex festival and you still claim to be straight, so I don't think an intense sex party with quite a few gay couples will be something you're comfortable with."

Kayden's talking had stopped and his eyes were wide in shock. He had been expecting a celebration in Hell to be something intense, but a sex party had not crossed his mind whatsoever.

"We'll visit soon," Simon promised. "And I have their numbers so you can call them whenever."

When they went out to the living room to say their final goodbyes, Kayden was near tackled to the ground by Indigo, Alvis following shyly behind him.

"I'm gonna miss you, human!" Indigo cried, hugging Kayden. "Don't forget to give Simon a hard time and make sure to consider what I told you about gay sex!"

Kayden blushed crimson. "I told you, I'm-"

"For the love of all that's good, will you please stop saying you're straight?" Indigo asked, making Kayden blush and Alvis giggle. "You were all over Simon when you were drunk."

"Well, maybe I'm not, but I'm not going to dive into a relationship with a demon because you said to!" Kayden argued. "Now, let's not end our trip with you insulting me."

Alvis stepped forward and embraced Kayden. "Have a safe flight!" he said excitedly. "And make sure he treats you right on your date!"

Indigo nodded in agreement. "We'll see you soon!" he exclaimed. "Safe travels, have fun on your date, use a lot of lube... all that good stuff!"

"Indigo," Darius said in a warning tone. "Stop scaring him."

"Sorry," Indigo said, though his expression showed no sorrow. "Bye!"

Simon thanked Darius for all of his help and left the penthouse through the private elevator. Since Simon wanted to take Kayden on a date as soon as he could, he got the pair of them an early flight back to Cincinnati so they had the evening to themselves.

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