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                 Chapter 15

~Hope POV~

"Get back here" I heard and angry Jay yelled along with loud foot steps.

Oh fuck!!


Me and Gabriel were now running as fast as we could minus the fact that Gabriel kept pushing me. I should have left his ass back there instead of saving him.

Fuck this house is huge it feels like we were running in circles. When we were about to turn the corner we saw both Carter and Alex waiting there smiling. I should have defiantly run track last year.

Where the hell is Jay?

Before we could even turn the corner we ran the next way as fast as we could. I could hear them both running behind us along with my heavy ass breathing. Gabriel was far ahead of me while I was way behind him terrify for my life.

He really going to left me to die!!!

Wow and here I was thinking we friends!!

Gabriel what ever the fuck your last name is you are not invited into my friends group. I'm just kidding I don't even have a friends group so that's sad.

Why do you hate us so bad?!

When we were about to turn the next corner we ran into a dead end. I tried to open one of the room door to hide in. When it opened I was about to go inside when Gabriel had the audacity to want to push his self in. No he is not hiding with me after he just left me to die!!

I push him back only to recive a confuse look from him.

"You are not going to hide with me" I whisper softly pushing him back. He just stared at me and started to pout.

"No Gabriel go hide somewhere else" I whisper yell. He walked away stomping quietly going into the room on the end.

I quietly push the door open closing it softly. I turn around to face the room to find a very dark and clean room. I know its not good to touch peoples stuff but they wouldn't know its not like I'm going to take anything.

I stop moving when I heard voices outside, I ran over to the big closet, hiding behind some boxes that were stock.

I crunch down a little going back more when I heard the door opening.

"Hope come out where ever you are" I couldn't recognize the voice since I was in the closet behind some boxes. I heard movement and things being moved.

"She not here" I think Jay said.

When I heard the door close I got up from where I was hiding accidentally knocking one of the boxes open. A lot of pink baby stuff along with a cute teddy bear fell out.

Oh shit!!

I pick up a picture frame that also fell out of the box. Lucky me it didn't break, the picture inside the frame had 6 young boys a woman and a man. The woman is holding a little girl in her hand.

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