Reyna~ Part 1

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Chapter 33

Reyna POV

"Thank you"I said to the woman behind the cashier before walking back to my table. When I got to the table I notice that Hope wasn't there, which made me go into protective grandma mode. I had been gone for only 3 minutes she should be back by now.

I wasn't looking for Bella since I received a text from her saying she has some unfinish business to do.
If you were to ask me what unfinish business she has to do, I won't be able to tell you since she didn't share any thing with me.

I'll find out what it is any way...

I walk over to a man and a woman who were sitting at the far end of the restaurant

"Excuse me I'm sorry to interrupt but have you seen this girl?" I asked showing them a picture of Hope.

The woman look to the man, who I believe is her husband, because of the matching wedding ring that is on both of their hand.

The woman shook her head before saying"No ma'am" I said thank you before making my way to check the bathroom which is the last place I saw her walk off to.

When I reach the bathroom, I opened every door of each stall, sadly she wasn't in any one of them.

Where can she be?

I didn't want to jump to conclusions since she could be any where.

I take out my phone dialing Hopes phone number.

"Pick up the phone" I said ,but it went straight to voice mail.

I walk to the table grabbing all the bags, which are a lot heavier than I thought. I made my way through the mall.

"Hope" I shouted, ignoring the stares I was getting from everyone in the mall. I don't care if I look like a crazy old lady making noise.

I'll do any thing to keep my grand childrens safe. I just can't lose my granddaughter, I just got her back. I just can't lose her.

I already lost my daughter and son, I can't lose her too, not when she made her brothers open up a little. I haven't heard Hayden or Jayden talk this much our interact with us in years. Reno and my daughter were right, Hope is the only thing that can make those boys lighten up.

I tried shouting her name one more time. Key word tried.

A tap on the shoulder made me turn around. In front of me stand a female mall security guard.

"Ma'am can I help you with anything?" She kindly asked.

"Yes please I can't find my granddaughter, is their a possibility that I can look on your security camera" my voice came out a little shakey.

"Um sure thing" I hint a little bit of hesitation at first.

Why did she hesitate?

"How old is your granddaughter?" she randomly ask.

"16" I reply. I don't know why she would ask about her age. What does that have to do with me asking to check the security cameras?

Before she's turn around to walk the direction of the surveillance room, I notice the shock that plastered on her face for a second. I couldn't really put my finger on what it was, so I just let it go.

We walk to the private area of the Mall, finally we reach a door, on the door it had an 'employee only sign' on it.

Looks like someone is breaking the rules today..

Hope ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang