Girls trip/Trouble

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Chapter 32


The first thing I saw when I open my eyes were two big eyes just watching me.

Hazel Brown eyes, energetic grin. Then it hit me does big eyes were Gabriel's.

Why the fuck is he watching me sleep?

"Gabriel what can I do for you?" I close my eyes for a second praying he would just leave.

I open my eyes a little bit to see him sitting up on the bed, he open his mouth to say "Nana Ray say to come get you since she and my mom are waiting for you downstairs-"

"Why do I have this feeling their is a but coming" I interject rolling my tired eyes.

"-But I couldn't wake you up since you look so peaceful" he finish with a smile.

Why is this boy so rain bow and sunshine?

"Well since I look so peaceful, can you please leave" I said grabbing my pillow placing it on my face.

I'm not always a morning person. Some days I am and some I'm not.

"No can do missy you have to go with nana Ray and let me tell you, you do not want to get on her bad side" he sound a little scared by what he said.

Wait my grandma has a bad side?

You go grandm-

Wait is it appropriate for me to actually like that.

Anyways Gabriel tried to pull the pillow away from me. Key word tried.

He tried so hard that it ended in him falling on his behind so hard, I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"Damn you need to drink a lot of milk" I laughed out. Gabriel cross his arms like a baby.

"Aww does the baby want me to kick his ass out because I will" I playfully say.

Gabriel got up walking out stomping his feet, not before stopping Roman who walked in at the same time.

"Good luck getting that monster out of bed" he rudely said walking away.

My poor heart. Sarcasm

"What was that all about?" Roman says raising his eye brows.

I slump my shoulders" I think I just lost one of my best friend"

"Don't worry he'll forgive you, all you have to do is buy him that new game he wants so bad, and basically he'll be your best friend for ever" Roman stated which got me thinking how many game does these boys want.

Best thing they just buy the whole game store, they be buying games like its food or some shit...

"Why are you in my room?" I asked just noticing that they have a habit of coming in my room. Obviously I said it in a nice way since I don't want to come off as rude.

"Time to get up" he says throwing the sheet off.

"7 more minutes please" I groan throwing my face into my pillow.

"No sorellina now" he firmly says.

I groan again not wanting to get up. I pull my foot up trying to get comfortable since my brother had the audacity to throw my clean sheets on the floor.

"Okay then I'll just tell Alex and Jay they have more food to ea-"

I shoot up from my bed" I'm up" I quickly slip my foot into my duck cozy slippers.

Hope ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora