New Orleans

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"Agh, changing into a human form takes a lot of you." Belial mutters to herself. Her right hand tap the top of her head to feel no demon horn's sticking out. Then, she check if she still has her tail. Luckily, she doesn't have her demon tail also. She tugs a bit of her white button blouse to feel the cotton fabric. Teleporting to the human world and changing her appearance to be human like can take a lot of her since she doesn't use it that much. 

With the assistance of her demons, they put her in a white button shirt with a long black skirt with black flats. Apparently, this is the fashion right now in the human world. Instead of her white hair, her hair changed brunette as it is still into a hair bun. Plain and simple, that is good enough for Belial. In her right hand is a simple blue umbrellas with the curved wooden handle. This umbrella act as a teleporting device and a weapon as it has a hidden straight blade for protection. The smell of trees and grass caught her nose. 

Yes, it has been centuries since she smell the earth underneath her shoes. Choosing the place was not hard for Belial - the town of New Orleans. Being in this town, it is strong with voodoo. She is able to use her powers better when compare to other towns like Los Angeles or New York. With this flexibility of her powers, it will easier to return back to Hell. 

Walking forward, she listen to the sound of the grass brushing past her shoes. Tapping the tip of her umbrella against the grass, the sound of whispers echoes in her mind. "How much further until town?" She asks the whispers in her mind.

"Keep going, you will be close to civilization very soon."

Belial continues her walk towards her destination with the hush whispers of voices echoing in her head as her guide. 


In the streets of New Orleans, the sounds of lively people caught one young man's ears. For the young man, it is every day life for him. In his right hand is a cup of joe. He lifts the cup close to his lips, taking in the smell of fresh joe for the day. His brunette hair is neat and proper as it is sweep to the side. On the bridge of his nose is a pair of reading glasses. His clothing is a clean white buttoned shirt with a red vest on top of it. Matching red pants and bow brought everything together. His dark brown loafers tap against the cobbled streets. 

This young man take his time to enjoy his coffee at a local cafe close to his home. Sitting at a single table outside, his brown eyes take in the sight around him. From afar, this local man looks an everyday man and yet his fame in this town is known. "Here is your order, Mr. Alastor." A cheerful young dame announces, bringing a plate of a ham and cheese sandwich for him. "Thank you, my dear!" He replies with a smile on his face. 

Alastor took in the sight of the blushing woman as she quickly excuses herself to go back to work. "Another fan." He concludes in silence. Alastor puts down his cup of coffee to take a bite from his sandwich. His eyes wanders around looking for something of interest. "Excuse me, sir." Alastor heard a feminine voice behind him. His heart leaps out of his chest from surprise. 

He coughs as he almost choke on his sandwich. Sputtering, he clears his throat to look at the person behind him. How did he not hear the person behind him? Has his guard been down to long? He took in the sight of the woman standing close to him. An brunette dame with simple clothing. His eyes wanders to the umbrella in her possessions then her dark lensed glasses. "Are you all right, sir?" She asks. 

Alastor quickly clears his throat. "Why yes, my dear. I'm quite dandy! What can I do for you?" He asks. His eyes made contact with hers. He tries to see behind her lenses to see her eye color but no such luck. "Can you tell me what is the date today?" She asks. Alastor blinks from her question. Strange question to ask the radio host but answers. 

"It is 10th of March 1914, my dear. If you want to know what day, it is Tuesday." 

"I see, thank you for your time! Have a great day." 

Alastor watch the young woman walk past him. He blinks from her words. Does she know who he is? No, apparently not since she doesn't react to seeing Alastor in person. For some reason, something invisible tug him towards the mysterious woman. Something about her is strange and yet he wants to know more of this person. 

Blasted it all, he just has to know why. To satisfy this ever growing curiosity...  

"Wait a moment, Miss!" Alastor calls for the woman. His call fell on deaf ears as she continues her walk. He put down money for the food and coffee to chase after the woman. 


"That man is following you." The voices warns Belial. She let out a sigh. The fallen angel has no time for distractions - she needs to look for a present for Charlie. "Distract him." Belial silently told the voices. With a snap of her fingers, two little shadow moves away from Belial to dart across the sidewalk towards the running man. They split two opposite directions. One shadow close to the buildings reach its black claw to one man's shoes. Pulling the man's right feet cause the man to loose his balance. 

Second shadow move to the lamp post to reach for a woman's hat then throw it towards Alastor. This actions happen in mere seconds. The unfortunate man fell on his side, in the way of the radio host. The woman cries out of surprise from the loss of her hat. Alastor stops in his tracks as he caught the hat in his hands. The man slowly got on his feet as the woman stood in front of Alastor. She thanks him profusely as Alastor returns her hat. The shadows return to Belial as she turns the corner away from his sights. Alastor excuses himself from the woman to return back to his goal. He quickly scans for the woman but he lost the sight of the woman. 

Walking to the corner of the sidewalk, he heard a man speaking to someone. "Hey, where are you going? We should spend time together." Alastor turns his head to his right to see his target being cornered by a man of his late thirties. Even Alastor still retain his smile, he grimaces at the sight. Disgusting men go after helpless women who don't even have a chance to fight back. Without a single thought, Alastor walk towards them. 

After all, it is a gentleman's job to protect a lady. 


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