Brave or Stupid?

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Neatly adjusting his suit, Jasper is ready for the day as an assistant for this hotel. Looking himself in the mirror, Jasper held a tiny smile since everything is order. He left his bedroom in the hotel to meet with the princess of Hell. Charlie and Vaggie heard the sound of faint footsteps to see Jasper greeting them with a timid smile. "Good morning! How was your room, comfortable?" Charlie asks. Jasper nods his head, "I-It is fine. Thank you for the room, princess..." Vaggie could see the child demon shaking in his spot. 

"Oh no! You can call me Charlie!" 

"R-right, Miss Charlie." 

Charlie simply accepts Jasper's politeness since he looks scared. Jasper let out a quiet cough to clear his throat. "W-well, what would you like me to do?" He asks, he wants to get to work so he don't deal with forced socialization with strangers he doesn't know. The first impression of the radio demon made him shiver. He can tell that the demon wants to wipe him from existence. "Before you go to work, you should eat breakfast first and meet with the rest of us." Charlie suggests. The mention of food made Jasper's stomach rumble which his cheeks turn bright pink. 

The princess quietly giggles along with Vaggie. Jasper follow the couple, away from the lobby to the room which has a long dining table which has a few people at the table including Belial. Jasper's shoulder relaxes when seeing the blind woman. The women notice the timid demon relax slightly. "Morning." Belial greets them with a smile. Jasper's eyes brighten when seeing her smile. Just as Jasper is about to greet back, his body tense up. He felt something dark and scary behind him. Slowly, he turns his head to see the radio demon with his scary grin. In Alastor's hands is giant plates with a variety of food - pancakes, waffles, and French toast. 

"Good morning, young lad! Glad to see you up and ready for work! I'm looking forward to working with you." He said as he walks past the shaking Jasper. Following Alastor is Nifty bringing in more things to the table. "Hey, are you okay?" Vaggie asks him. Jasper quickly nods his head. He wants to sit by Belial but the seats next to her are taken by Charlie and Husk. Jasper decides to sit across from Belial at the table. He slowly pulls in his chair close to the table. His body became still when seeing who take the seat next to him - Alastor. 

"Now then, let's eat before it is cold!" Alastor said with a chuckle. Jasper felt sick since this demon doesn't like him even they even talk to each other once. Taking a slow breath, Jasper decides to serve himself like the others. Compare to other's plate, his proportion is small since he doesn't have the stomach of eating any more with Alastor next to him. He was about to eat his food until Alastor stabs his fork into one pancake to put it in Jasper's plate. He froze in his spot. "Now now, you should eat more young man. After all, you need all the energy you can get today." The radio demon said with a wide grin. 

"...R-right, thank you." Jasper stutters out, he doesn't want to cause problems in his first day. Alastor took in the shaking sight of this little demon with internal glee. After all, Jasper took his seat across from Belial. Oh, he will have so much fun working with little demon.


It was stressful to sit next to the radio demon at the table. Jasper thought he is able to avoid the radio demon for the rest of the day. Lady luck is laughing at him in the face. 

He has to organize the paperwork in Alastor's office. 

His office has a black wooden desk that screams high class. Across the room from his desk is a brick fireplace. Jasper shivers at the sight of a hunter's collection of rifles and different heads on a wooden plaque. Some of them look like unfortunate demons from Hell. The wall behind his desk is covered by a large bookshelf with a numerous collection of books. In front of the desk is a coffee table with two leather couches. Jasper held a large pile of paper in his arms as he separate these papers to different piles such as budget cost, needs for signing, and other categories. 

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