Party Time

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Clothes, Belial doesn't pay no mind to what she wore since she can't see anymore. Her usual clothing would be a buttoned shirt with dress pants. There are times that she needs to wear something else such as dressing up for Charlie's birthday party. At these times, her sister-in-law happily help Belial dress for such of an occasion.  

Belial felt the fabric of she is wearing currently. At least, it is soft to the touch. Lilith told her that she is wearing a red dress that touch to her knees. The dress strap is thin. Belial had to wear black high heels to bring out her dress more. The feeling of Lilith's hand held her hair. Belial feel her hair tugged which tells her that Lilith is doing something to her hair. "Living for centuries and I still not use to wearing a dress." Belial broke the silence. Lilith giggles at her comment. 

"Then, I shall dress you up more then you will get use to it." Her eyes lands on the mirror in front of them. "Sure, give me dresses that I could fight in. My opponents will remember that I can beat them to a pulp even in a dress and heels." Belial smiles when hearing Lilith laugh at her answer. The succubus' smile turn somber when seeing Belial's eyes. It is shame that Belial can't see how beautiful she is in a dress. Even if she doesn't see, there are demons who finds her attractive and powerful due to her angel blood. 

For centuries, Lilith felt sad for Belial since she doesn't have a life companion or a best friend. She wonders what kind of person would be by her side. Belial seems not to be interested in companionship since she would focus on them - her family over her own happiness. Lilith admires her selflessness and yet she wants Belial to focus on herself. She shares her own thoughts with Lucifer. Her husband also wonders when Belial find some happiness of her own.

They wonder what kind of person will catch Belial's interest...

"Now then, let us go and mingle with everyone~" 

"Great! Let's see how long until one of those royal demons talk about their collection of gold and diamond encrusted flatware!"  


"I spoke too soon." Belial thought. Standing beside Lilith, Belial had to listen to one of the princes' of Hell explain how wonderful to have those flatwares. In his words, it makes the food quite delicious. In her left hand is a glass cup that held vintage wine. That prince of hell is an owl tall owl demon with narrow red eyes. This prince of hell is Stolas and at his side is his owl wife. Lucifer sends exclusive invitations to the royal and higher classed demons for his daughter's birthday. 

Belial knows that Stolas has a daughter name Octavia. At least Octavia held the same adorable childlike innocence like her niece. Belial never met Octavia but she imagine his daughter similar to him and his wife. Her ears listens the party's musicians play classical songs. At least these songs are lively for Charlie. If not, there will be hell to pay. Taking a sip from her wine, Belial heard her name. "So, Lady Belial!" Stolas' voice made her look at the owl demon's direction. "When will you have a child of your own? Do you have someone in mind?" His blunt question made Belial almost choke on her wine. 

Clearing her throat, Belial quickly collect herself. Her ears caught the sound of Lilith softly giggle from Belial's reaction. "Stolas, dear. You shouldn't rush. Although I am curious what kind of hell spawn lady Belial would produce!" His wife chirps. Stolas chuckles from his wife's comment. 

"That will be the day! I am positive that her child will the strongest like your precious spawn King Lucifer and Queen Lilith!" 

...Why are they having this conversation?

Lucifer nods his head, his lips form a grin. The sight of his sister caught in the spot light is amusing to him. "I have to agree, especially if her future spouse is strong like my beloved sister." He joins the conversation, "You should see how she is around my little apple." Stolas and his wife interest grew. Belial takes a sip from her wine to calm her nerves. "So anyone special in mind, lady Belial?" Stolas presses for answers, he does love a good gossip. Belial shakes her head. "No person caught my interest since I am busy with my own affairs." 

"Such a shame! Although, I can help you find someone..." Stolas suggests. Belial's body became still. As if someone answers her calls, Charlie calls for her. "Forgive me, it seems the little princess is calling me." Belial quickly excuse herself from the conversation to go attend to her niece. Lucifer and Lilith chuckles silently at the woman's actions. 


Belial was not prepare for this. No, she is not prepared at all. It has been a long time since she set foot on the dance floor. With her hands held by Lilith, she was pulled by the succubus. "Come now, Bel. No need to be a wall flower." Lilith giggles at the sight. Belial let out a sigh, "You should dance with Lucifer since I can't see your movements. Besides, its been years since I danced." Lilith clicks her tongue at Belial's comment. 

"No need to worry. Lucifer would want you to have fun. Follow my lead." Lilith soothes Belial's worries with her soft voice. Belial could feel eyes on the both of them. Taking a deep breath, her ears listen to the sound of the violin accompanied by the flute and the harp. Lilith took the lead, guiding Belial to a waltz. The demons and princes watch the lovely women dance beautifully. All eyes are on them. It seems that Belial is able to dance without any visible flaws. 

Lucifer smiles at the sight. Belial has that sparkle in her eyes, finally having fun. At his right side is Charlie with eyes sparking and in awe. The birthday girl wore a sparkling pink dress that would remind everyone that she is the princess. Lucifer lifts Charlie in his arms as Charlie whispers that her mother and aunt are wonderful in dancing. The dance ends as the demons applaud for this rare performance. "I want to dance next!" Charlie declares. Lucifer chuckles, "Very well, my little apple! You can dance with daddy!" 

"I want to dance with Mommy and Aunt Bel after!" 

"As you wish, my little apple!" 

Charlie's bright smile still remains her face even after the party ended three days after. The little princess would tell her aunt to listen to her reading the new book out loud before sleeping so her aunt could enjoy the book with her. She even loves the picture of a rainbow among the pages of her new book. 




Rainbows is now Charlie's favorite word. 


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