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The day before the new year, those blood thirsty creatures with white wings come down from Heaven to Hell for a slaughter. Slaughter of the demons in Hell. Like Lucifier said, to control their overpopulation problem by killing off the weak. Even if it helps their overpopulation problems, Belial doesn't have to like it. 

In fact, Belial despises their solution. Letting those angels come to their home, it shows that they are weak as they can't solve their own issues. Belial would blame the problem on the old fart behind those pearly gates. A person would be sent to Hell even for the tiniest thing that is a sin. She knows that there are sinners that deserved to be in Hell but there are a small number of them were forced to commit a sin due to circumstances when they were alive. 

"If only he wasn't so lazy, then we wouldn't be in this mess." Belial thought to herself. Out of concern for her niece, the blind demon decide to stay in the Magne's manor. She wouldn't let any demon or angel lay a single finger on Charlie - not on her watch. Tomorrow will be the day of Extermination. 

Lilith and Belial shares the same thought for Charlie. Her niece isn't ready to know about Hell's extermination. No, she is too young to know what happens to the citizens in Hell. Belial have to admit, she wants to preserve Charlie's innocence a bit longer. Until she is the age, Lilith and Belial closed all the windows of the manor with thick curtains. For the agreement of the extermination, no angel shall step foot inside the manor or lay a hand of the Magne family - Lucifer, Lilith, Charlie, and Belial. 

Only the strong and the lucky would survive the day of Extermination. 


"Where is Mama and Aunt Bel?" Charlie thought to herself. The little girl was told to stay in her room for the duration of the day. She doesn't know why but doesn't question it as they display concern for her. She doesn't mind as she trusts her parents and aunt on what they are doing. In her hands is one of Belial's presents - a little doll with demon horns. In this certain day, Charlie wonders what her papa was doing as he always disappears for the whole day. 

The door creak as Charlie looks up to see Lucifer smiling at her. A bright smile appears on Charlie's face as she runs from her bed to hug her father. "Charlotte, I have something to show you!" Lucifer announces then takes Charlie's right hand to guide her from her room. Both of them walk down the hallways. Charlie has to admit, it is dark in here with all the curtains closed. 

"Mama and Aunt Bel, should we wait for them?" 

"No need to worry my little apple, they will be coming soon." 

Lucifer guides his daughter to their large ballroom as they have many large windows that would show the outside world. Charlie only see that the curtains are blocking their way for seeing what is outside on this day. Excitement went through her body as Lucifer smiles down at her. "Charlotte, you are old enough to know what happens in this very day in Hell." He told her in a sweet voice. Charlie's eyes sparkle, she will finally knows what happen on this day. Even if she promised her mom and Belial that she will stay in her room, she wants to know why. 

Today, she will know.

Lucifer's left hand glows black energy then flick his wrist for the curtains to pull back. Red, Charlie only saw red as her hands laid limp at her sides. Her eyes wide as the smile on her face disappears. Behind the grand windows, Charlie took in the sight of large winged beings with glowing masks slaughtering demons left and right. 

Their hands held holy weapons to permanently wipe that demon from existence. Charlie begins to breathe heavily as cold sweat runs down her face. "This is the place you will rule over my little apple when you become Queen of Hell." Lucifer looks forward to take in the sight of this endless slaughter. 

No, this isn't right...

Everyone has a happily ever after like those stories she read every night. 

No one should live like this! 

The door slams open to reveal Belial. Charlie broke out of her state of shock to turn to the open door way. At the doorway, there is her aunt. Charlie could see worry and panic on Belial's face. It looks like Belial has run through the many levels of Hell as she saw sweat cling to her face. 


"Aunt Bel!" Charlie runs to Belial, wrapping her arms around her legs. Belial suddenly relaxes as she felt Charlie's arm around her legs. "...Pup, I thought..." Her words are lost as she kneels down to Charlie's level to pull her close in her arms. As she doesn't hear Charlie in her room, panic and fear went through Belial's body. She thought something happen to her precious niece. 

She was ready to slaughter anyone who gets in her way. 

"Why...are you doing here...?" Belial asks out loud. Charlie doesn't answer as she presses her face against Belial's right shoulder. Belial felt Charlie's tiny body shake as her fingers held on her shirt tightly. The woman's body stiffens when hearing Lucifer's chuckle. "Good to see you here, Bel." He greets his sister. Belial wraps her arms around Charlie to lift her in her arms. Not once Charlie didn't release her grip on Belial. 

"Lucifer, do you really-" Belial didn't want to believe it but Lucifer's chuckle confirms it. Taking a deep breath, Belial begins to rub Charlie's back - comforting the stressed princess. "I'll take Pup back to her room. She is tired." Belial announces in a calm voice. 

"Yes, the excitement must be too much for her." Lucifer nods his head. Belial excuses herself with Charlie in her arms. It is painfully silence between them. She finally arrives to Charlie's room then slowly move towards her bed. "Come on, Pup. You should sleep." Belial gently told her as she tried to put Charlie to bed. Charlie refuses to let her go.

"Right, let's try this." Belial mutters. She removes her glasses to place it in her coat pocket. Removing her shoes and coat, Belial moves to the bed. Pulling the blankets back, Belial decides to lay on the bed with Charlie in her arms. "...Why, Aunt Bel? I thought everyone has a happy ending." Charlie whimpers. Belial's heart broke from the sound of Charlie's voice. 

"...I..." Belial can't answer that question. She wanted to tell her that everything is fine but she would be lying. "...That's a complicated question, Pup but...you know something?" Belial looks down at Charlie who look at her with big eyes. She wants to distract Charlie from that frightening experience. "If you look close deep into someone's heart, you can find something inside them. Something special." 

"Like a rainbow?" 

Belial chuckles softly at Charlie, "That's a good answer, Pup." Charlie's lips lifts up to reveal a tiny smile. "Even a demon?" The girl asks again. Belial let out a soft breath then pets the top of Charlie's head. "That's for you to figure out, Pup." Belial answers. Charlie's eyes slowly closed as Belial hums a lullaby under her breath. 

Even if it is a bad one, Charlie doesn't really mind it. Belial watches Charlie's grip loosen as she falls into a deep sleep. Quietly, Belial leaves the bed to cover Charlie's body under the blankets. Taking her things, Belial left Charlie's room with the door closed behind her. 

"A rainbow, huh...?" Belial thought to herself, "I don't mind to see that happening. It's better than having those stupid angels come down and wreaking everything." 


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