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Howdy, howdy! A couple announcements before the chapter, as per usual. I wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to get my YouTube going with some video tutorials on how to start/write your own original stories. When I post them, I'll let you guys know. The videos will work if you're trying to write fiction or nonfiction. If you're trying to write and don't wanna wait, feel free to contact me and I'll help you get started! I think that's the only announcement! Adios!

(Outfit above is for when the scene changes to the Hales in the loft with Braeden).

(3rd P.O.V.)

"No, he's in your bedroom with Lyrica, he'll be totally fine." Stiles says to Scott through the phone as he goes back to the alpha's bedroom where he left Derek and Lyrica. "To be honest, I'm starting to miss the old Derek. So, if you actually think that Kate's coming to find him..."

Stiles trails off as he turns into the bedroom, only to find the window open and Kate climbing out of it. She turns back and looks at the human with a smirk, the wind blowing her hair away from her face. Stiles lowers the phone in shock and she jumps off the roof. He raises it back up to his ear.

"You might be right." He tells his best friend, eyes scanning the bedroom and landing on his unconscious sister. "Lyrica!" He throws his phone down onto the bed, falling next to his sister. "Lyrica, hey, come on, wake up." He lightly smacks her face, and it does nothing. "Lyrica! Lyrie! Come on!"

He desperately looks around, hoping to find some way to wake her up without further injuring her. Upon finding absolutely nothing, he groans and raises his hand.

"Please don't kill me for this." He closes his eyes in anticipation before bringing his hand down, slapping Lyrica in the face. Her eyes fly open and she frantically takes in her surroundings. "Oh thank God."

"Stiles?" Lyrica asks, trying to sit up. Stiles helps her to her feet and she touches the back of her head with a wince.

"Hey, what happened?" Stiles helps her sit on the edge of Scott's bed, quickly grabbing a clean rag from the bathroom for the back of her head.

"Kate." She groans, placing the cloth against the healing cut on her head to prevent blood from coating her hair any further. "She snuck in and hid in the bathroom. Came out after you left and we fought. I tried to keep her away from Derek, but she got the upper hand and knocked me out."

"We'll find them." Stiles nods and his phone starts ringing behind him. He quickly checks the caller ID before answering. "Scott? Did you find anything?"

"She's taking him to get something to learn control. Peter, Malia, and I are on our way to the school. Isaac, Lydia, and Kira are stuck at a gas station with a dead attendant who Kate killed. Meet us at the school with Lyrica." Scott quickly says.

"On our way." Stiles ends the call and turns to his sister. "You good to go?"

"I'll be fully healed by the time we get there. Let's go."


Stiles and Lyrica are inside the jeep as Stiles breaks numerous driving laws to reach the high school. Lyrica's phone rings and she answers it on speaker.

"Are you okay, Mom?" Isaac's worried voice fills the car. "I felt fighting and then my cheek and head started bleeding but there was no actual wound, and then it felt like I was slapped in the face, but nobody slapped me."

"I'm alright, Icy." Lyrica sighs. "Kate attacked me and knocked me out and Stiles had to slap me awake. But everything is fine and we're on our way to the school right now to get Derek back."

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