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Hot damn, guys. 30 chapters already. I have a few more chapter's worth typed up in Google Docs, so I should be on top of updates the next couple weeks. Also, if anyone was wondering why I didn't go live at 2 the other day, it's legit because my dumb ass got in the shower and completely forgot. I ended up going live at 3, but there was a total of 3 viewers, only 1 of them being a reader, and they didn't interact. So no bonus chapters this time around. You get the song above because your ears need a pleasant rest.

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

I groan in annoyance when my phone starts ringing from the kitchen counter, interrupting the Harry Potter marathon Isaac and I were having.

"Ignore it." Isaac whines.

"No can do." I sigh, pausing the movie and standing from the couch to go retrieve the annoying device. I reach it just as 'Kids in the Dark' by All Time Low restarts, and I roll my eyes when I remember that I set that ringtone for Stiles.

"Lyrica!" His voice floods through the phone before it's even up to my ear.

"Jesus, Sti. Calm down." I tell my brother once the device reaches the side of my face. "What's wrong?"

"Scott bit Liam. And then he kidnapped him. We need your help ASAP. At Scott's house." The dial tone sounds and I look at my screen in awe that he just hung up on me.

"He bit the freshman?" Isaac pipes up from behind me.

"Apparently." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "Let's go."


My knuckles rap against the front door to the McCall house and instantly, there's fast and heavy footsteps running towards the door. It flings open to reveal Stiles, panting from having run so spastically.

"Took you long enough!" He exclaims as Isaac and I walk inside.

"Stiles, it's been 10 minutes. I could have been a lot longer." I sass. "Now where is he?"

"He's resting." Stiles leads us up the stairs.

"You kidnapped the poor kid. Tell me the truth."

"Scott has him duct taped in the bathtub."

"SCOTT MCCALL!" I shout, startling Stiles and Isaac. I storm the rest of the way up the stairs, and into Scott's room.

"H-Hi, Lyrica." The alpha sheepishly says.

"You kidnapped him and duct taped him?!"

"I panicked." He mutters, hanging his head.

"God." I groan. "Isaac, stay with these two. I'm going to talk to Liam."

"What if he shifts and hurts you?" Isaac immediately protests.

"The very first shift is never that fast or that soon after a bite. I'll be fine."

Before they can protest any further, I step inside the bathroom and close and lock the door behind me. Liam whimpers behind the duct tape, struggling to free himself.

"It's alright, Liam." I tell him, sinking down to a crouch next to the tub. "We're not going to hurt you. Not any more that Scott already has. I know you're scared, but I'll explain everything. If I take the tape off your mouth, will you stay quiet? You can ask any questions you'd like, just don't scream."

He nods his head so I smile and quickly rip the tape off his face.

"Ouch." He winces.

"Sorry. It's like ripping off a band-aid. The quicker, the better." I shrug.

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