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Hey, everyone. Long time no see. I don't even know what happened, I just lost track of the days and next thing I know, I'm behind like 3 weeks. Anywho, just a quick update on my life; my birthday passed so I'm officially 17, I got a tattoo! It's actually already helped me a lot and I love it. Let me know if any of you wanna see it, lol. I had a concert about 3 hours ago and it was nice. My dad was pissy and didn't want to go and was on his phone the whole time but what else is new. I've got a couple new fanfics in the works. A Sam Winchester and a Five Hargreeves one. I also need to get caught up on my other stories. But this one is first on the list. I've finally almost finished Christmas shopping for my family and brother's S/O. I've got a little party  on the 21st (dw, only like 8 people total) for my section that I'm looking forward to. I think that's about it. Enjoy the update!

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

After a while, I end up sitting on the ground with Isaac using my right thigh as a pillow, and Malia using the left. Isaac is sound asleep and I gently play with Malia's hair to help her fall asleep too. Scott and Stiles go up to the door.

"Anything?" Stiles asks after a moment of Scott listening.

"They're looking for us." Scott explains. "Someone's going to have to go out there."

Stiles looks back at us, specifically Malia, who is getting weaker by the second. Kira moves over and assists me in trying to calm Malia. However, I switch my attention to Isaac when his breathing gets labored.

"We need to tell her the truth about Peter." Scott whispers. "She's going to see the rest of the deadpool eventually."

Stiles moves closer to Scott before speaking. "Try to remember that Peter is the one name missing on that list. Which either makes him incredibly lucky with a benefactor, she finds out about him, she's going to go to him, you know she is. And then he's going to twist his way into her head like he does with everyone. Including us. We let him walk around like nothing ever happened, like he's one of the good guys... Scott, he's not one of the good guys. If she finds out about him, she's gone. That's probably what he's waiting for, and if he wins, we lose."

"We're already losing." Scott holds up his hand, black liquid seeping from his cuticles.

Stiles walks back over to us, trying to wake Malia. She manages to wake up, looking at him.

"I gotta leave for a few, okay?" He tells her.

"Where are you going?" She frowns.

"Whatever's happening, it's worse for you guys." Stiles gestures to Scott and Kira, the latter trying to keep the alpha steady. He then glances over to me and Isaac. Isaac is leaning against me, blood lining his lips and nails. I'm not much different. "That means it's not just people getting sick, it's another assassin." Malia pants, reaching out for Stiles, and he gives her his jacket.

"You're coming back, right?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Yeah, I'd never leave you behind." He kisses her forehead. "Tell Lyrica if you need anything, okay? Stay near her and Isaac." Stiles stands and walks over to the door. I scoot myself and Isaac a little closer to Malia, reaching out and holding her hand. She moves closer and lays her head on my thigh again.


(3rd P.O.V.)

Over at the hospital, Derek anxiously watches over Braeden. A knock on the door pulls him from his thoughts and he looks over as Melissa walks in.

"Derek, there's someone here I believe you've been looking for." She says and Satomi reveals herself. (This scene gave me flashbacks to when my old section leader snuck over to my house at almost midnight and my dad almost shot him.)

The Mother of Beacon HillsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin