Chapter 17: Do you want me to?

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"I just wanted to get off!"

Jasper wasn't aware of the time, but it must have been the early hours of the morning. He was currently sitting by himself watching Mac and Tayce trying to have a serious taekwondo match, but failing miserably due to the alcohol intake and their evident lack of skill.

Thomas had climbed a tree and was watching it unfold from up high, laughing out loud. Robin and Jerry were kissing each other rather intensely, before standing up. Jasper watches Jerry lead Robin away by the hand to a darkened part of the woods. "Hey you ok?" Jasper doesn't even notice Zeke approaching, he sits next to Jasper on the fallen tree trunk.

"Great." Jasper says, but he didn't feel all that great. He was beginning to feel really tired now, but he felt like something else was bugging him and he couldn't put his finger on it.

Zeke looks at Jasper and follows his gaze to where he is watching Thomas in the tree, oblivious to the stare. "Has Tom gotten under your skin?" Zeke asks.

Jasper looks at Zeke dismissively, wanting to disregard any possibility of an awkward conversation. Well...awkward on Jasper's part at least. "If by that you mean he's annoying and arrogant then yes he has."

"You know that's not what I mean." Zeke smiles, leaning closer to Jasper's ear. "I mean, I don't know all the facts but you let him touch you."

Jasper internally groans. It seemed he would be having that conversation. He turns to face Zeke "Look I don't know you, so it's none of your business, but whatever he said, it's bullshit." Jasper tries to shut Zeke down.

"That's the problem though." Zeke laughs, completely disregarding Jasper's request to end this conversation. "It is bullshit."

"What do you mean?" Jasper furrows his brow, looking at Zeke confused.

"I mean, I'd understand if you hit him because you didn't want it, but he says you did. That makes no sense at all. Why hit someone if you want them to touch you?"

Jasper can feel a ball of fire growing in his stomach. Zeke was irritating him and he was going to blow.

"Be...because he stopped...ok! Is that what you want to fucking hear?" Jasper shouts a little too loud, he stands up, causing the remaining friends to look at him. "He stopped and I didn't want him to!" Jasper, now a little adrenaline filled, looks up to see the audience he's created. He scoops his beer up from the ground and walks with a hurried pace into the darkness of the trees.

Jasper finds a tree and slumps down against it. It's far away from the group for him to be alone, but not too far that Jasper was in pitch darkness. He himself wasn't exactly sure what wild animals roamed the woods at night.

He downs the rest of his bottle and discards it, watching it roll down the slightly bumpy decline before it settles against some tree roots. Jasper rests his head against the back of the tree and closes his eyes. Jasper was so tired. Tired from lack of sleep, tired from the beer and tired of feeling the way he did.

"Jasper?" Jasper opens his eyes suddenly and lifts his head up to see Thomas emerging from the shadows.

"What do you want? Come to tease me? To laugh in my face?" Jasper looks away from Thomas and gazes straight ahead.

Thomas gets closer, kneeling next to Jasper, facing him slightly as he sits back on his heels. "I know I've said it already, but I really am sorry you know." Thomas looks down at his lap. "I didn't realise you wanted me to touch you so bad."

"Get over yourself Tom." Jasper retorts. "I just wanted to get off." Jasper hears himself say the words. They were true in part, he did want to see it through for sure, but he also wanted it with Thomas, though he'd not give Thomas the satisfaction of hearing Jasper say it.

Thomas looks at Jasper a moment before deliberating what to do next, before deciding the time was definitely now "Do you want to finish it now?"

Jasper looks at Thomas who has that similar look he had on his face when at the lake. He couldn't tell whether Thomas was playing with him again. "No thanks. You'll just leave me again and laugh about it."

Thomas places a hand on Jasper's pyjama clad thigh, earning a slight gulp from the younger. "I promise you, I won't." Thomas says, in a more gravely voice, not allowing Jasper to make a decision as he strokes up and down Jasper's thigh, edging closer to Jasper's now hardening dick, which Thomas brushes past a couple of times in the process.

Thomas now slowly moves his legs across so he is straddling Jasper, who has gone all relaxed against the tree. He rests his hands on Thomas' thighs as Thomas dips his left hand into the easily accessible waistband of Jasper's pyjamas. "Your friends." Jasper utters under a quick breath.

"They won't disturb us." Thomas reassures, talking low and deeply in Jasper's left ear.

" do you know?" Jasper asks, trying not to sound too needy under Thomas' touch.

"Because they dared me to do it." Thomas says smirking as much as his slightly swollen face will allow.

Jasper sits up a fraction. "Wait...this is just a stupid dare?" Jasper begins to pull Thomas' hand from his pyjamas.

Thomas now sits back, still sitting astride Jasper's legs. "Jasper what do you want?" Thomas waits for his response but Jasper doesn't give one. On hearing the silence, Thomas continues. "Do you want me to get you off or not?" Jasper looks at Thomas who sits rather seductive looking on his lap, even with a swollen face. He pulls his lips into his mouth and gives the slightest nod, earning a smile from the older, who leans in, again finding the younger's erection in his pyjamas. "Then who cares if it was a stupid dare." He whispers low in Jasper's ear.

Jasper lets out a shuddering breath as Thomas wraps his rough hand around his length, before beginning to jerk him off.

He starts slow, teasingly slow in Jasper's mind. So much so that he feels the need to request Thomas to speed up. "F...faster." He utters as he grabs a hold of Thomas' sweater, gripping onto it tightly.

"Manners." Thomas says, purposely not fulfilling Jasper's request until he's heard him say the word.

"Fuckinghell ...p ...please." Jasper says in frustration.

"Please...?" Thomas says, maintaining his snail-like speed, occasionally dragging his thumb over Jasper's tip releasing the wetness Jasper has already produced.

"Tom...please faster Tom." Jasper says, now just desperate for more friction around him.

Thomas instantly quickens his hand action on Jasper, causing the younger to pull even tighter at Thomas' clothes, his toes begin to flex within his vans.

Thomas leans back a little in order to watch the effects of his handy work. Watching Jasper's face as he rests back against the tree, eyes closed, lips parted. "Open your eyes Jasper. I'm right here." Thomas speaks low as Jasper does indeed open his eyes and looks at the man he had been fantasizing over, during the past few weeks, getting him off.

The pleasure is becoming overwhelming for Jasper, coupled with the vision of Thomas' hot as hell face staring at his every action. He was going to spill. "Jesus. I'm gonna...ahh." Jasper looks down at the hand around his length as his cum shoots out with force, pumping out, covering Thomas' tanned hand, plus his own hoodie.

Thomas slows down, still keeping a hold of Jasper and watching as the last few ropes make their way out. He removes his hand and using his tongue, licks a strip up the side of his hand, taking some of Jasper salty white cum into his mouth, much to the shock of Jasper, who watches the action open mouthed. "Mmm not bad." Thomas pouts in approval before getting up off a stunned Jasper, leaving him completely unravelled.

"You're fucking dirty." Jasper chuckles, still a little breathless.

"Oh yes." Thomas wiggles his eyebrows, before turning and walking back in the direction of the campfire.

Jasper watches him walk away, feeling a little confused as to why he is just being left like this. He didn't really know what to expect, but thought there would be some kind of aftercare, some affection. "Hey!" He calls but Thomas doesn't look back. Jasper in that moment wondered what he actually was to Thomas. A toy? A plaything? Maybe it was just a dare to Thomas. He felt used. Jasper didn't know why it bothered him but it did. More than he'd care to mention.

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