Chapter 51: Saying goodbye

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"Hey Mol, that's unfair!"

"Jasper, sweetie, you'd better get up, your mother will be here in an hour or so." Jasper opens his eyes to hear Molly's voice from across the landing, knocking on his bedroom door, oblivious to where he is currently resting, being back hugged by her younger brother. 

Footsteps can then be heard passing across the landing to Thomas' room. "Tom, honey, do you want to get up to say goodbye to Jasper?" 

"Mmm." Thomas hums groggily in acknowledgement, the footsteps being heard now heading down the stairs. 

Jasper slowly moves onto his back. The once sticky damp sheet, now attached to Jasper's skin, pulling at the flesh as it releases. "Hey, Hey Tom." Jasper whispers, his voice a little groggy. 

"Mmm?" Thomas again groans, not even opening his eyes. 

"Molly thinks I'm in my room." Jasper giggles, making the bed wobble slightly, as if he'd gotten away with eating sweets right before lunch. 

Thomas now opens his eyes, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Your right next to me." He says in a very sleepy, groggy voice. 

Jasper turns to face Thomas, kissing his forehead. He doesn't speak. He just stares at Thomas, feeling calm, complete but sad. This was it. This was the end of them. What they had. "Tom. I will never forget these weeks with you. Even if we never see eachother again." 

"Why wouldn't we see eachother again?" Thomas questions frowning. "Your uncle, my sister. We are bound to see each other again and maybe..." Thomas stops, biting his lips as an attempt to halt his words.

"Maybe what?" Jasper re adjusts his head on the pillow.

"Maybe in a few years time, if we feel the same, we could... You know what I mean. I don't do this. I never do this." Thomas shakes his head.

"I hear you...and yes." Jasper smiles, nestling into the older's sweet smelling neck.


Jasper and Thomas are now sitting at the breakfast table, after a last walk around the farm, to say goodbye to all the animals. Well, that's what they said, though in reality it was just a last moment of time together before it was finally over. Jim is sat by himself, already tucking into bacon, sausage, eggs and all the extras on a big oval plate, with Molly standing at a frying pan, cracking more eggs into it. "Sit down boys." She says over her shoulder.

The two males sit and Thomas helps himself to an upturned mug on the table, along with the teapot, pouring himself a drink, then doing the same for Jasper. 

Jasper looked at his surroundings. Jim eating hurridly as if it was his last meal, Molly humming to herself, hair in a high ponytail, a loose fitting tshirt and a pair of baggy shorts, flipping over eggs and Thomas, who was pulling a slice of ready made toast from the rack managing to eat it in a way that showcased his tongue at every opportunity. He was going to miss this...all of it. It was like a new family he didn't even know existed. 

Jasper thought back to the hate, the rage he felt, walking into the farmhouse a few weeks ago. How he disliked and even feared his uncle, whom he now saw as a gentle giant. Molly, who seemed to get him the moment they met...and Thomas. The man who made Jasper's blood boil with rage, but somehow showed him how to love, not only others, but himself. 

"Extra bacon?" 

"Mmm?" Jasper's thoughts get brought back to the present as Molly looks at him. 

"Extra bacon. Would you like some?" Molly holds the tongs in her hand ready to grab that extra rasher.

"Yes please." Jasper smiles, though the favouritism hasn't gone unnoticed by Thomas.

"Hey Mol. That's not fair!" He pulls a pout.

"Jasper did me a favour and made his bed. I don't even want to know what you got up to. Were you always that untidy?"

Thomas' mouth opens to speak, but snaps closed again. He didn't want to open that can of worms this early in the morning, choosing to take a mouthful of tea instead. He looks up to see Jasper smiling down at his hearty breakfast being placed before him. Thomas couldn't help but allow the 'extra rasher' to be his. 

Jim rests his cutlery onto his empty plate, wiping his mouth with a napkin before dropping it on the table. "Your mother will be here soon Jasper. She wants you to be ready." 

Jasper swallows down his mouthful. He knew he was going today, but not quite so hastily. He didn't feel ready. "Uh how long have I got?" 

"I think she wants to literally just pick you up lad. Something about going to Appledore tonight." Jim continues. 

"Tonight?" Jasper feels like he is being rushed. He looks at Thomas a little panicked. Who looks back at the younger with equal disappointment. He then feels a foot stroking his leg which causes Jasper to calm but feel deflated. This would really be over and now sooner than expected. 


Jim steps into the kitchen to see Jasper, Molly and Thomas chitchatting. By Jasper's feet was his holdall bag. "Your mother is coming down the drive." He announces, which makes everyone stand up. Jasper picks up his bag and follows his uncle out to the front of the farmhouse with Thomas and Molly following behind. 

Jasper sees his mother's car pull up, the engine switches off and the lady exits the vehicle.

It felt surreal to Jasper that only a moment felt like it had passed when he was being begrudgingly dropped off by the lady. 

She walks towards her brother giving him a tight hug. The loss of their mother still fresh. She then moves across to Molly who places a kiss on the lady's cheek. "Good morning Thomas." She acknowledges the young man stood by Jasper. 

"Good morning." He replies, with a slight bow. She then looks towards her son. 

"Rosie, Jasper has been an absolute pleasure. He's welcome any time." Molly says smiling. Jim nods in agreement, a sense of pride shining on his face. 

She looks at Molly and her brother. "Thank you so much for having him. I'm glad all has turned out well." She then turns again to Jasper, who hadn't uttered a word since exiting the farmhouse. "Jasper, are you not going to thank Molly, your uncle and Thomas?" 

Jasper looks at the three people stood by his side. He walks over to his uncle, holding out his hand for his uncle to shake. "Thank you uncle for your advice and showing me that I don't always need wifi." 

His uncle takes the hand, adding a few hearty slaps to Jasper's shoulder blades. "Not a problem lad. You've actually worked really hard." 

Jasper smiles back before looking over to Molly. He again holds his hand out to her. "Thank you Molly for my delicious meals and your advice on stuff."  he adds, not really knowing what to say. 

"Oh come here." She says, not being able to stop a tear or two falling from her eyes, she pulls him in for a hug, kissing his cheek. 

Jasper then turns to Thomas...

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