Chapter 26: Late night intrusion

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"Do you really want to know why I'm here?"

A couple of days had passed by and Jasper swore if he saw another pot of jam, he would flip. He and Molly had spent the past 2 days solid in that kitchen baking for the farmers market and they now had plenty to sell.

Jasper was still thinking about his feelings for Thomas and hated the fact that he might have foolishly fallen for the guy in only a matter of weeks, though granted they had been very intense weeks with a lot happening between them. Jasper would only be at his uncle's for a short while longer, or until he was supposedly to have corrected his behaviour. It was nonsense to have such notions of a relationship when in a matter of weeks, they probably wouldn't see each other, but life was never that simple.

Jasper is currently sitting up in bed on his phone, playing paper toss, which was the only game he had downloaded a while back, which doesn't require internet access. He wished he could have traveled back in time and told his past self to download a few more games, or at least save a bit of data.

After a few more failed attempts of trying to fling bananas in the waste paper basket, Jasper decides to call it a night. Molly had asked him to join her at the farmers market in the morning, so there was really no valid excuse to see Thomas.

It was approaching midnight and the air seemed to be especially humid in his bedroom. Jasper kicks his blankets on the floor and gets out of bed, heading for the window, in the hope that there would be a breeze of some kind to bring down the uncomfortable heat. The air outside seems still, but the odd wisp of a light breeze does enter the bedroom, albeit a warm one.

Jasper pulls down his pyjama pants and kicks them off and on to the floor, the flannel too heavy for this night. Jasper then proceeds to walk to his drawer to retrieve some boxers. He has just literally let the elastic waistband snap on his skin, when he hears a whisper, "keep them off."

Jasper snaps his head round in surprise to see Thomas' head, peering through the slight opening in the window. "Tom what the fuck." Jasper whispers back, approaching the window and pulling it up a little more to allow Thomas to crawl inside. He manages to pull himself through the gap, making a light thud as he falls on his side onto the floorboards. Thomas then proceeds to screw his eyes closed and roll on his back laughing.

Jasper stands looking over the older, rolling around on the bedroom floor at his feet. "Tom. Are you drunk?" Jasper leans over the male, inhaling the slight aroma of alcohol coming from him.

Thomas stills all of a sudden and opens his eyes to see Jasper peering down over him. Without hesitation, Thomas pulls on the waistband of Jasper's boxers, pulling the younger down, causing Jasper to fall to his knees and land on top of Thomas. He then proceeds to grab the back of Jasper's head and pull him in for a kiss.

Jasper tries to push himself up from the older and eventually manages to break free, now sitting next to Thomas, who is still laying on his back on the floor, pulling a pouty face. "Don't you want to kiss me?"

Jasper looks down at Thomas looking all needy. He did want to kiss him. Real bad in fact, but in light of how Jasper now felt about Thomas, he had more to risk, more to lose. It wasn't about seeking physical pleasure alone, now Jasper wanted more. "Why are you here?"

Thomas now sits up, resting his back on the wall under the window. He looks at Jasper with big doe eyes and pulls a pout. "I want to make out."

Jasper stands up, only to sit on the edge of the bed. "Well I don't. Besides, you probably got all you needed from Zeke."

Thomas takes a huge sigh, before looking up at the younger. "Are you pissed at me or something?"

Jasper had never had to have a deep conversation like this before. He had never had to analyse his feelings, had to convert them into words. In the past, if he had a grievance, his fists would sort it out. "Why didn't you say you would be going away?" Jasper hated how he sounded like some kind of needy boyfriend, but if this man was going to make him feel this way, he needed to get things right in his mind.

Thomas honestly didn't know why he didn't tell Jasper he would be away. "I don't know, I guess I thought you wouldn't care."

"I don't." Jasper is quick to reply.

"Then why did you ask?...and why did you want to know if Zeke and I made out?" Thomas now has a small smirk on his face, causing Jasper to feel his cheeks get a little heated. He doesn't answer.

Thomas now gets up from the floor and sits next to Jasper on the bed, making a creak as it took his weight. "Do you really want to know why I'm here?"

Jasper can only bring himself to look at Thomas' knee resting against his. He could feel his heart beating just that little bit faster. "Why?" He asks, gulping a little as he says the word.

"Before you get the wrong idea, please listen to the whole story ok?" Thomas now can feel his own heart race a little as he is about to tell Jasper just how he feels about him.

Jasper nods and closes his eyes as if to focus on the words about to be spoken.

"Ok so, yes. Zeke and I did make out, but..."Jasper opens his eyes and glares at Thomas, he is about to say something. Thomas hurries out his words to stop Jasper interrupting. "But it was during that, that I realised that it doesn't feel right." Thomas then stops speaking and puts a hand on Jasper's thigh, causing Jasper to stare at that place on his leg. "Jasper, it didn't feel right because it wasn't you. I swear I don't know what you've done to me, I've never felt like this before."

Jasper continues to stare at the long fingers of Thomas resting on his knee. He finds his hand lifting from his own lap and slowly rests it on top of Thomas'. He watches the hands as he weaves his own fingers in between Thomas' slender ones and wets his lips. Then he whispers so quietly a word that not even he can hear.

"What?" Thomas asks, trying to catch Jasper's eyes.

"Same." He repeats. Jasper then meets Thomas' gaze and gives the cutest smile Thomas thinks he's ever seen. "I feel the same."

Thomas matches Jasper's wide grin, then takes his hand to Jasper's face, cupping his cheek. "So, can I kiss you now?"

Jasper maintains his infectious smile and nods as their lips connect.


Hey! It's author Jojo here.😊

If you've gotten this far in my story and are enjoying it, I'm glad, but without comments or votes, I will never truly know..

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