Chapter 23: First kiss

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"I know right."

As gently as he can, Thomas places a light kiss on Jasper's lips, before pulling back.

Jasper pings his eyes open and instantly sees Thomas inches from his face, smiling widely at him. "You...kissed me." Jasper says, his expression confused, his voice unusually low and groggy.

"Yeah I did." Thomas says, feeling rather proud of pursuing his actions. However his smile falters a little when Jasper doesn't return the same gaze. Thomas backs away a little. "Did you not like it?...I thought..."

Jasper sits up a little against the tree. "Tom..." he doesn't know how to put it into words.

Thomas now looks confused. "What is it? I don't understand. You let me touch your dick. Why is a kiss such a big deal?"

Jasper can feel his heart beating a little faster. He needs to confess it. He closes his eyes and blurts out the omission. "Because I've never kissed a guy before!"

Thomas laughs, shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah well I've never kissed a girl before."

"No, what I meant to say is..." Jasper rests on his side now facing Thomas completely. "I've never kissed anyone before...ever."

Thomas looks at Jasper a little confused. His brows furrowed. "What do you mean you've never kissed anyone before? You said you fucked girls!"

Jasper looked down at the olders purple tshirt, too embarrassed to look him plain in the face. He takes a heavy sigh. "I have fucked girls. I just haven't kissed one."

Thomas still couldn't quite get his head around what he was hearing. "Jasper that makes no sense to me. I mean if you don't kiss, where's the connection? Where's the passion?"

Jasper's eyes widen on hearing the word passion. "Hey I'm not in it for a relationship. I don't love these girls. I don't need to kiss them."

"Jas Jas Jas!" Thomas holds his palms up in front of him. "Hang on a second. I didn't say anything about being in love. You can kiss someone and not be in love with them. It just adds to the experience you know! I mean, Zeke and I make out all the time."

"Huh? What, do you mean your friend Zeke?" Jasper was getting so confused at this point that he didn't know where friendship ended and love began.

"Yes my friend Zeke." Thomas laughs at Jasper's surprise. "As I say, it's all just fun you know and let's face it! What else is there to do around here?" Thomas briefly gestures to the nearby surroundings. "I mean we can skim a few more stones if you really want to or...." Thomas again edges closer to Jasper. "We can make out."

Jasper subconsciously bites his lower lip just a little. Looking at Thomas' lips once again. "What about your bruises?"

Thomas lightly touches his still slightly puffy face. "It will be fine. It's gone down loads, it just looks bad."

Jasper let a slight exhale of air leave his lips. "Ok...but don't judge me. This is my first proper kiss."

Thomas lets a giddy laughs leave his lips."I won't...I promise."

Jasper lets just a hint of his smile brush across his face as he closes his eyes and waits for something to happen.

Thomas again looks at the face of the younger. His eyes closed, lashes fluttering slightly on the tops of his cheeks. His lips looked relaxed, patiently waiting for contact.

Thomas steadied one hand on the ground whilst taking the other and cupping Jasper's cheek, causing Jasper's Adam's apple to move up and down. Thomas leans in and their lips meet. The contact is gentle and Thomas is pleased to feel Jasper responding this time around.

Jasper doesn't quite know how to explain this moment. It was a feeling he had never had the pleasure of experiencing before. He likened it to his chest tickling inside. It felt almost intoxicating as Thomas' lips seemed to fit his own like a mould. Jasper brings up his left hand and places it on Thomas' side, gripping onto his tshirt as his lips felt wetter as the kiss deepened. Then Jasper felt a tongue work its way into his mouth, which just made him want to get even closer to the older.

Jasper slowly pushes Thomas back against the tree and straddles his legs, earning a smile from the older as he moves his hand from Jasper's cheek and repositions them around Jasper's back, with Jasper hands spread flat on Thomas' chest.

The kiss was becoming intoxicating and Jasper was feeling really light headed. Whether it was the lack of oxygen or the sheer excitement of this new experience, Jasper couldn't decide. He forces himself to pull away, panting a little. He looks at Thomas who's naturally red lips look even fuller. "This is..." Jasper cannot even finish the sentence, causing Thomas to give an open mouthed smile.

"I know right." He says with a smug look on his face before Jasper can resist no more and leans in for another round.


Jasper crawls into bed after what felt like a very eventful day. He lays on his back, one arm resting above his head, the other laying across his bare chest. Since the kiss, Jasper had thought of nothing else. He kept replaying it in his mind over and over. How Thomas' lips felt against his, the warmth, the softness. The way it made him feel inside, a feeling he had never experienced before.

For some strange reason, this feeling was still within him. Jasper subconsciously rubs his chest where the feeling lies. He didn't know how else to describe it, but the sensation felt wonderful and for the first time in a very long time, Jasper felt content.

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