Chapter 24: The look of love

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"You're acting like you're in love sweetie." 

Jasper woke up before Molly had even made her usual morning knock. He was in the same position he had been in when he fell asleep and felt surprisingly refreshed. 

As he pulled back his bed sheets, he swung around his legs and faced one of the windows. He could see the gnarly old tree with two small light brown birds sitting on one of the branches. They seemed to be singing to each other. Jasper watched them for a time, then one flew away, before the other followed shortly after. He then suddenly shook his head as if to shake himself out of his whimsical state. Why was he being so soft all of a sudden?

Jasper heads to the wash basin, doing his usual morning pee down the plughole whilst pulling out his toothbrush and paste from the holder and brushing his teeth, washing the reminance down in one go. He quickly washes, dresses and heads for the bedroom door. As he opens it, he is greeted by a surprised Molly which has her fist ready to knock. She slowly lowers it down to her side.

"Oh you're up already!" She says with surprise. 

"Yes Molly. I slept really well." Jasper says, edging past her and heading down the stairs, with her following a few steps behind, still in shock to see Jasper so chipper at this early hour. 

Jasper sits down at the breakfast table and absent mindedly drums his hands on the surface. Molly walks towards the copper kettle, filling it, before placing it on a gas ring to boil to make some tea. She lights up the blue flame then turns again to Jasper, tucking her loose hair behind one ear. 

Jasper is not aware of Molly's gaze as he drums away at the table. "Sweetie.What has gotten into you this morning?" 

Jasper stops his drumming, now resting his hands flat on the table before smiling widely, looking up at Molly. "Like I said, I had a good sleep."

"The bed is not bothering you now then?" Molly smiles. 

"Nope." Jasper replies then once again carries on with his hand drumming.

Molly shakes her head, chuckling to herself, then mutters something under her breath that Jasper can't quite hear. He stops his drumming again and asks. "Sorry, did you say something?" 

Molly looks over her shoulder, surprised that Jasper even heard her say anything. "Oh nothing important...just how you are acting like you're in love." 

Jasper widens his eyes, his carefree disposition evaporating slightly. "You what?" 

Molly doesn't even turn around, just carrying on with filling the china teapot with tea bags. "You're acting like you're in love sweetie." 

"I'm not in love!" Jasper is extremely quick to point out. Sitting himself up straight on the bench. "I...I've just had a good sleep...that's all."

"I know sweetie, just ignore me." Molly now turns around smiling casually as she begins to lay out mugs for the tea for the two of them and a third for Jim, who was probably very soon to emerge. 

Jasper looks at the three mugs on the table and furrows his brow, seeing the absence of a fourth. "Is Tom not having breakfast with us this morning?" 

Molly looks at Jasper a little surprised. "Didn't he tell you yesterday? He's gone camping with Zeke for a couple of days. Zeke is due back at university soon. He's studying abroad you see." 

"No, he didn't say anything." Jasper frowns, looking at the hot liquid being poured into his mug. His joyous mood had just been sucked from him somewhat. 

"Don't worry sweetie. We don't expect you to work on the farm all by yourself, if that's what you're worried about." Jasper glances up at Molly who tries to reassure him. "You'll be helping me in the kitchen today. I've got to make some cakes and jams for the farmers market this weekend."  

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