Chapter 37: Surprise date

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"Sweetie, aren't you dressed a little nice to go fishing?"

"You came back!" Molly says with surprise and joy, arms outstretched to greet Jasper as he got out of the car.

Jasper accepts the embrace. "Well I guess I'm getting used to this life." He replies. 

Molly squeezes him a fraction tighter. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry about your grandma. If you need anything...anything at all.."

"Thanks Molly." Jasper says quietly under his breath. 

"Actually..." Thomas suddenly pipes up, "I thought it would be good for Jasper to have just this day free, you know...and maybe this evening?" 

Molly pulls away from the hug. "Why? Do you have something in mind?" 

Thomas looks at a confused Jasper, then back at Molly. "I just want to take his mind off things, just for the rest of the day ...I wondered if I could borrow the boat?" 

"Um..sure. Are you going to show Jasper how to fish?" Molly asks.

Thomas smiles, glancing at Jasper. "Yeah...I'm gonna show him how to correctly use a fishing rod!" Jasper furrowed his eyebrows a split second only to replace his expression with the widest eyes Thomas thinks he's ever seen. 

Thankfully it all goes over Molly's head. "That sounds lovely. Yes sure you can borrow the boat." She smiles, before they all head into the kitchen. 


A few hours passed and Thomas had headed back home, only to return in a change of clothes and with a backpack across his back. He opened the back door of the four by four and hoisted the bag onto the seat. Jim is coupling the trailer with the boat attached to the car, ready for the two boys to go to the lake. 

"Go in lad!' Jim shouts over his shoulder to Thomas, nodding to the farm house. 

Thomas enters via the kitchen to see Molly fixing up a small hamper of food and drink to take with them. "Ahh thanks Molly. You're a star." 

"Well if you don't catch any fish, at least you won't go hungry." She says adding a gingham blanket, neatly folded to the top, covering the home made treats.

Jasper now enters the kitchen to see Molly about to hand Thomas the hamper. Thomas turns to see the younger who seems to be dressed in smarter clothes, Thomas takes in the slightly tighter white t-shirt and the tight hugging black skinny Jeans, cladding his thighs. Thomas takes it all does Molly. 

"Sweetie, aren't you dressed a little too nice to go fishing?" 

Jasper now looks down on himself, he starts to second guess his choice of clothes. Maybe he really was actually going fishing. Maybe the covert messages he thought he was receiving from Thomas were all in his head." 

 "He looks just fine." Thomas replies. "As long as he's comfortable." Jasper now looks back at Thomas giving him a grin. 

Jasper smiles at Molly, then follows Thomas out through the kitchen door to the four by four when Jim was placing a plastic cool box, and a couple of fishing rods in the back seat. Shit! They were actually going fishing! Jasper slows his walking and looks down on himself again. "Tom, maybe I should go change into something else?"

"No." Thomas sounded almost like he was telling Jasper off, causing Jasper to look a little shocked. He puts the picnic basket next to the cool box in the car, turning and leaning towards Jasper's ear. "You look fucking hot." He leans away, biting his lip with a smirk, which made Jasper feel uncharacteristically flush. 

Jim closes the car door and rubs his hands together. "So lads, you ready?" 


Around half an hour later, the rowing boat is resting on the shore of a lake, and the four by four and trailer are being driven off into the distance. 

Jasper looks at the fishing equipment spread across the ground. "You really weren't joking when you said you were going to show me how to fish were you." 

Thomas chuckles. "No I wasn't...why, what did you think I meant?" 

Jasper looks at Thomas with a you've gotta be kidding me face. "I thought you know…"

"Gonna fuck you?" Thomas finishes, raising his eyebrow. 

"Well...yeah." Jasper half smiles. 

Thomas' gaze now washes over Jasper from head to toe. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't." He then steps closer to Jasper, grabbing onto his fingers with his hand. "You have never been on a proper date Jasper. You are too quick to cut to the chase. I want to do this properly. Like I said earlier today, I really do want to take your mind off of things and give you a time to remember." 

Jasper reaches out and takes Thomas' other hand and looks into the eyes of the older. "Ok, we'll do it your way." 

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