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"Bro, have you seen snakes mating?"

Fushiguro halted with his eyebrows slowly twitching, inhaling sharply to not get annoyed early in the morning, yet the face of his best friend made him lose his calm.

"Shut up! Stop asking me that!" he hissed, pushing his friend, Itadori Yuuji out of his way. The pink-haired pouts with the answer he received from Megumi.

"What about... what if snakes give birth and not lay eggs?" his curiosity could kill him one day and Megumi's sure it'll happen.

"Stop it, Yuuji. I'm tired of your bullshits." Megumi entered their classroom, greeted by his classmates' loud conversations and laughters.

When he was seated on his chair and Yuuji took a seat next to him since they're seatmates, Megumi immediately put his earphones on so he won't be able to hear Yuuji's nonsenses.

He watched Yuuji's lips move and rolls his eyes after. Yuuji is just annoying but he's still a friend so Megumi didn't abandon him even if he wanted to. Yuuji's a precious friend so even if he spat curses at Yuuji, he wouldn't mind it.


Megumi frowned when he heard his other friend's voice, Kugisaki Nobara. He had no idea why he became friends with these loud idiots.

In a few seconds, he felt his earphones getting pulled away from his ears. He immediately gave Nobara a death glare but the girl standing in front of him also shot glares.

"What do you want?" Megumi's annoyed at the moment, add the fact that it's also Monday. We hate Mondays.

Nobara narrow her eyes, placing the earphones on the table, and rested her hands on her waist. She seriously looked at Megumi before replying, "Let me copy your homework. I didn't do mine last night since I had to clean the whole house—"

Before she could even finish her sentence, Megumi slapped his notes on her face. "I know you're lying again. Whatever."

"He's so cold to us!" Yuuji whispered to Nobara who immediately opened Megumi's notes, copying some of the answers.

"I don't care anyway, as long as I can copy his homework." Nobara snickered, closing Megumi's notes before placing them on the said male's table.

"So you're saying..." Yuuji gasped a little in shock and Nobara made a weird expression towards him, "...you're only friends with him because you want to copy his answers?!"

Yuuji received a hard slap from Nobara that made their classmates look at them because of the loud slapping noise. Yuuji yelped in pain pouting and slapped Nobara back, but lighter as he doesn't want to die yet.

"Stupid! We've been friends since our parents made us!"

"When you two were still fetuses?" Yuuji asks innocently and Nobara can't help but crack up.

"You're dumber than me."

"Dumb and dumber..." Megumi spoke while watching his friends arguing how fetuses are made.

He admits, he just wanted to throw his friends out of the window for being too annoying around him.


Megumi shifted his attention to his classmate who approached him holding a letter-like paper. Yuuji and Nobara stopped arguing to witness what's going on.

"What is it?" the tone of Megumi's voice became softer and his friends felt betrayed since Megumi's always shouting or mad at them.

"Here...!" the girl with a deep blush on her cheeks handed the letter to Megumi. Her hands were trembling while she watcheed Megumi took the letter from her hands, and when Megumi accidentally brushed his hand on her, she squealed and ran away with a flustered face.

Megumi was left dumbfounded while his friends began cracking up.

"At least she's brave enough to give Megumi a love letter!"

"Ooh~ love letter?! Our Megumi's becoming a teenager no—"

Yuuji received a smack from Megumi who shot them a death glare. Megumi shifted his attention back to the letter and giggled.

"Why am I even receiving love letters when I badly want to receive money..." he faked a cry and the two began making fun of him again.

"Smarty boy, you should stop being smart and become stupid like us." Yuuji laughed.

"You sounded so confident admitting you're really stupid."

Yuuji dramatically gasped and Nobara slapped the shit out of him. "OUCH! BITCH!"

"Quiet! The teacher is here!"

After that announcement from their class president, the three took their seats and patiently waited for their teacher.

"Please pass your homework like what I told you all last time. Leave it to your class president and I will ask each one of you to answer a specific question from the discussion yesterday. No answer, no homework."

Nobara and Yuuji's souls left their bodies as they can hear Megumi's creepy laugh in the background.

"I-I think I need to go buy something..." Nobara monotonously said, grabbing her purse with her shaky hands.

"What will you buy?" Yuuji asked curiously as he was ready to jump off the window.

"Brains... or I'll just steal Megumi's."

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