Chapter 3

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Everything sounded echoed. Every word that was said by anyone near Eden was unintelligible and she couldn't connect who's voice belonged who anymore. Her mind was blank, she didn't have a thought in her mind. It was all empty.

It was only when she began to come to, waking up from the sleep she had just been in that she realized she had no more control. Her hands were tied down to the metal platform she laid on, being rolled from room to room for hours. That was the only thing she could gather before really waking up and opening her eyes.

The room she was in then was dark, but extremely big. When looking from side to side she could see old bricks lining the walls but the light hanging right above her made it hard for her to see past it for a look at the ceiling.

Aside from that it smelled like dust in a way... She couldn't describe it but she knew that wherever she was was not a safe place in the slightest no matter how new or old it was.

The dark magic was extremely prominent.

Her hearing was beginning to sharpen to it's normal state once again and the faint noises of rustling paper came from somewhere above her head. Eden really did try to look up and find out who or what for that matter, was causing the ruckus, but she was still soar and in pain and couldn't move her head in that direction just yet.

Heels clicking against the floor is what gave it away. There was a woman sitting in that chair, impatiently tapping her heel against the floor, that was until she rolled the chair over and looked at Eden who now laid awake under the harsh bright light.


She was ginger, the girl who had been sitting in the chair. Big eyes, plump lips. She didn't look like she was someone important, but neither did Voldemort and look at him now.

"I'm going to make this short and brief since the Dark Lord is looking so forward to meeting with you... It's quite simple. I ask you questions, you answer truthfully. Do you understand?"

The Dark Lord?!

Where was she right now?

Who were these people?

Her arms were tensing up in the leather bonds that held her to the table and her nerves were only becoming worse the more time passed. She was left to lay there and let this all sink in and there was nothing she could do about it seeing as the state she was in was not one to be casting extreme spells and she no longer had her wand anyway. Without that she was just a joke compared to the highly trained guards and workers of this place.

Another thing preventing her from casting the spells she wished to cast were the bonds which were connected to the table. They must have been magically cursed because even though most of her body felt extremely numb and weak, she could feel the power radiating from them. It was bad power with bad energy and immediately she knew that it was highly likely that the things holding her down didn't just act as something to keep her in place, but something to prevent her from using magic and getting herself out of this situation.

"Y- Yes..." Eden's voice trembled and she didn't even realize it until the words had left her mouth.

How come she was like this?

What made her this way?

Had these whacked out people really done so much damage to her on the first round. If that was the case she didn't stand a chance now.

"What is your full name?"

She had originally debated on whether or not she should have even opened her mouth to speak to this unknown, intimidating lady, but she decided against it.

It would only cause more trouble and harm to her and she honestly did not know if she could take anymore of it. The pain she was feeling already was excruciating, but imagine piling it up 100x more. If the spells didn't kill her her body would have just shut down itself anyway.

"Eden Abella."

"Great." With a quill, the lady laid her notepad on her lap and began to take note of not only what Eden said, but her body language and the way she was speaking. The way she squinted her eyes every time she moved — or at least tried to move — any part of her body and how conscious she was in that very moment. If she was aware of her surroundings, if she looked confused or upset. Everything Eden was doing was being recorded down onto that notepad. "What school did you attend from ages 11 through 17?"


Again the lady went back to writing as Eden stared up into the light as it was the only thing she could really look at in that exact moment. "What about your step-parents? What were their names?"

"Were?" Eden mumbled and got a little to worked up as a wave of pain struck her making her relax once again. "What do you mean were? They're still alive-"

"What were their names Eden?"

"George and Lillian."

The answer to her question would be a mystery despite her teary eyes and painfully worried look.

The lady moved on, leaving Eden confused and worried for her parents lives. Even if they were dead, Eden thought that she should have had the right to know how and why, but it seemed that she wasn't going to be finding out anytime soon at the rate she was heading.

"...And last question for you. Who was your previous soulmate?"

"Harry Potter."

The way the lady cringed at his name being said enraged Eden and tears began to fall down her face though she hadn't realized that they were. Whether it was from all of the stress or anger she was feeling, she had no control over herself anymore. Everything she said or did next would be a result of her impulsiveness.

Thankfully for the ginger haired lady taking down notes, she backed away and rolled her way back over to where she was before, which Eden assumed was a desk or table full of papers and documents, maybe even a lamp or two to give her some light since the room was so extremely dim.

From the corner of her eye she watched the lady walk to the door and yell something she really could not understand as it echoed through the large room and the next thing she knew two men were rolling her out of the room and down a long, fancy, elegant hallway.

It was clear that she was somewhere extremely rich. Somewhere that whoever owned this place had a lot of money and power — which would make sense since the Dark Lord was the one who supposedly owned the place.

Eden realized that her vision was still kind of blurry and messed up and the reason why it did not seem that way in the room she was just previously in was because she was being blinded by the light anyway and the rest of the room was dark.

It seemed to still be dark outside or at least that was what she gathered from passing by the large windows.

The place seemed cold, not only presence wise but feeling wise too. It gave her the worst vibes. Everything was dark, everything felt horrible and everything belonged to the Dark Lord.

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