Chapter 11

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Malfoy's eyes never left Eden as she moved from horse to horse, being as gentle as possible and earning their trust. The girl was quite impressed at how trusting they already were of her.

After leaving Spirit and Shadow she moved on to the next side seeing his favourite horse from all three of them in the stable, but kept his eyes on her face, looking for anything, any sign of confusion, but there was none.

Draco ran his thumb over his bottom lip which was a horrible habit he picked up from when he was just a boy, and straightened himself off of the frame.

His hand fell back down to his side as he walked toward her.

Eden did not even realized before a hand reached out from right behind her being placed on Abella's nose shortly after.

Head turning to look behind her, her eyes landed on his, though they were not looking back into her's anymore. Malfoy's eyes were locked on the horse in front of them and he concentrated on petting her.

"She's my favourite you know?"

"Yeah? Why?"

The faintest smile crawled onto his lips but he caught himself before he could slip up. He lips went back into a line and he took a moment before answering her question.

"My mother got her for someone she cared about a long time ago... The girl is dead now, but every time I look at this horse I remember what she used to be like before everything went wrong..."

Her sister, Bellatrix.

That was the first and only person that came to her mind.

Who else could Narcissa of all people cared so much for to the point where she got them an entire horse.

Eden was now starting to realize how rich this boy was. All at the ripe age of 20 he had a mansion, three horses, a house elf and the largest estate she had never stepped foot on. No wonder he spent his money on such stupid things like a horse.

"Are you getting cold?"


"Well I am." He pulled his hand away and Abella nodded her head slightly, wanting more pets and rubs. Malfoy turned his head toward the open door seeing the snow starting to fall down which in turn made Eden turn her head as well.

If they wanted to make it back before a real snow storm hit, they would have needed to leave now.

If it got too bad, they wouldn't be able to find their way back to the house and they would be stuck outside or would most likely need to come back here, to the stable, in order to have shelter.

Fortunately, the two made it back just as the snow started to come down hard. Eden's shoes were soaked— which made the water slowly but surely bleed through to her socks— as was as her hair, but the jacket did it's purpose and kept her clothing underneath dry.

Right when Eden went to hand the coat back to him, Malfoy shook his head and stepped back. "It's yours. I won't always be here to give you one and if you want to take a walk with Tissy you'll need a jacket anyway."

That was what he told her and Eden was gladly going to take it no matter how much she hated him. Now she had another thing to add to her small wardrobe.

"What is past the stables?"

"Hmm?" Malfoy hummed leaning forward to hear the girl better.

"I asked what was past the stables, the path continued did it not-"

"Whatever is past those stables is none of your concern. You won't be going there anytime soon so there is no reason for you to know..."

There was something that could kill her back there.

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