Chapter 9

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It was where they had taken her when she was first captured, though it was not a house.  No, it was a prison, castle, hospital, basically everything in one type of place

His throne had a home here sitting on top of a small alter where Eden assumed he spent most of his time making decisions and orders for other helpless people under his care to follow.

Malfoy suddenly pulled her against him with a still firm grip on her arm and leaned down to whisper aggressively into her ear.

"If I were you, I would just nod my head and listen. Tell him what he wants to fucking know so that you can get the fuck out of my house you understand."

"Over my dead body-"

"Eden Abella!"

The grip loosened on her arm as both her and Malfoy turned their head to see Voldemort standing at the end of the big room.

Her heart skipped a beat and no, not in the good kind of way.

The Dark Lord stood still with a small smile on his face. The silence felt so loud.

"Hello my Lord. I've brought the girl, like you have asked."

Despite Eden resisting to walk toward the old man, Malfoy dragged her, bringing her face to face with the weird man who had a peculiar infatuation with her.

"I see you've lost some weight. Say did you try to starve yourself?"


No answer.

She was not going to speak to him even if her very own life depended on it.

"So be it. If you won't speak I'll figure it out on my own-"

Into her mind he went. It all happened so suddenly that Eden collapsed onto the floor trying to clutch her already pounding, aching head, but she couldn't move her arms.

Her eyes shut tightly and the more thoughts and memories of her stay at the Malfoy Manor the louder her screams got.

He was pulling everything up.

The daydream she thought up of possible ways her parents could have died, her plans to try and escape— though those were more of a fantasy— and her walks with Tissy. He couldn't stay away from the past though. Her past was connected to her dreams which opened up a gateway for Voldemort to dive deeper.

When he pulled out of her mind Eden had tears running down her cheeks, hands shaking and voice gone from how long she was screaming.

"So, you've attempted suicide. You know it would be a tragedy if my future soulmate were dead Eden. Such a terrible tragedy."

"Y-You're not- You're not my s-soulmate."

"It's a shame you haven't realized it yet. It really is. As for your parents whom you seem to think often about- or rather your adoptive parents... They are dead for I was the one that killed them."

Eden's heart sank.

He began to chuckle watching her on the floor unable to move. "Isn't that to funny. I killed both of your birth parents and now... Now I've killed your new parents too. No more family. No more home."

It might have been all the rage filling up inside of her but she somehow found the strength to stand and lunge at him with her hand balled into a fist, but arms wrapped around her torso and with a sudden move she was pulled backward, back to the floor where she then laid defenceless.

"Eden Eden Eden...  I would stop lashing out so much.  You need to realize who is in charge here.  You may take her back Draco.  I don't want to see her again until you feel she's worthy enough to see my face once again."

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