Memory 24

285 10 2

June, 1998

The days from May to June went by faster than anyone would have anticipated.

Eden stayed at the hotel, keeping her promise to the boy she loved while Draco tried his hardest to fight for both sides of the war.

He was becoming less strong.

Always came back with bruises and wounds... But that was the price he needed to pay for dealing with both sides, killing Order members while also killing Death Eaters who had been alive for hundreds of years before him.

Breaks were getting shorter.

What Draco's normal schedule went like was 7 days fighting 7 days off.

But with Voldemort being the complete and utter dick he was, he shortened it to 7 days fighting 2 days off. Though Draco was not the only one dealing with the change, everyone was.

Pansy got a Dark Mark sometime in April, though Draco was so busy he did not even have the time to speak to her or figure it out for himself.

"He tells us we're close to winning... The Order is down by 1000 people, all dead."

"Do you think that means-" Eden started, but the look on Draco's face told her that he didn't want to speak on that just yet.

"I think it means what you think it means Eden..."

He said it so painfully too.

Like he was the one that would be sentenced to death as soon as Voldemort won.

"What does that mean for me? Where will I go? What will I do-"

Draco grabbed hold of her hand and brought it on top of his chest, right above his heart so she could feel it beating. "This is exactly why I don't want to speak on this... Look at you- Your hands. You're terrified... Shaking. God.. You shouldn't feel that way-"

"But what will happen to me? What will happen to all of us?"

"I don't care what happens to the rest of them. My main concern is you. I'm not letting him do anything to you-"

She shook her head.

Draco said that now until it was actually the time for her to die. He wouldn't be able to do anything then.

"You can't say that now. When the time comes he'll send every Death Eater looking for me... Not only me, but every other surviving Order member. He doesn't want anyone of us alive. There's nothing you can do. Not on your own at least. So I need a plan. I need a plan so when the time comes I'm ready."

He refused to listen to her.

He refused to believe that he could do nothing to help her.

Nothing to protect her from the vile ways of the Dark Lord.

"Do you know a place I can hide?" She asked. "Anywhere. Any part of the world, something hidden so well no one could find me?"

"I like how you think I just know some place like that."

She pulled her hand away from his heart, instantly regretting the action as she did not feel it beat anymore. "I'm being serious Draco... We need a plan. Without one I'll die."

Even Eden had no hope for her life after the war. She was already making preparations for it too. She finished reading The Great Gatsby. She had even taken up sewing.

On a jacket she didn't use much anymore, she started to sew a patten of flowers with a thin thread on it, connecting the stitches with little embroidered flowers which lead to bigger or more full flowers that decorated the pockets. The thread was light pink, but you could only tell up close.

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