Memory 14

299 12 1

March, 1998

The sun was shining through crack in the curtains, blinding Eden when she woke up.

Still half asleep, an arm around her torso startled her, but when she saw the rings around his finger she knew who was holding her so closely to their body.

The tv was still on, very low in volume though.

She wished she could stay like this forever, but when the girl began to really wake up she realized how much trouble she was going to be in once she got back.

The night was spent at the hotel, far, FAR, from where she was supposed to be that morning.

She was wearing her soft, black sweat pants and the white long sleeve quarter button up she was wearing the night before.

How the two of them ended up in this position was a mystery to her.  The last thing she remembered was watching tv with him, but growing tired...

What she liked was the fact that he did not get into the covers with her, leaving a barrier between them.

If he had it wouldn't have been a huge problem, but it was nice how he knew what she'd be comfortable with.

Carefully, his arm was pulled off of her and down onto the empty space where she once laid asleep.

Draco looked very peaceful.

Kind of looked cute while he slept.

It looked like he was really calm, no problem in his mind, though when he woke up he would gain the look again.  The one of stress and rage.  It was the one he wore every single day.

On the bedside table was a notepad and a pen and the logical thing to do would be to write a letter, stating she had gone home and for him not to worry about her, signing her name at the bottom so he knew it was really her.

Knowing him he would still come by to make sure she was alright despite having a signed letter from her, but that was fine.

She could use the company.

Eden appeared outside of the safe house door right after pulling the paper from the pad and placing it on the bed beside Draco's hand.

It appeared that the house was still asleep.

No one was in the halls or the staircase. It all looked as though Eden would make it back inside before anyone had time to catch her... That was until she made it to her bedroom.

"You're coming in quite early aren't you Eden." Fred suddenly said making Eden gasp and put a hand to her chest.

"Jesus Fred you've scared me!" The door was shut behind her and she walked into the dark room. "What the hell are you doing in the dark? Where is Hermione?" Her hand went straight for the light switch where she flicked it on.

"She got called in earlier this morning, but when I came in to grab her I noticed your empty bed. I've waited all night for you. Where were you?"

"The Savoy-"

"What the fuck Eden?! How!" His bad cop act was dropped when the boy heard her say she had stayed the night at one of the most expensive hotels in London.

The problem of her being out at night wasn't even on his mind anymore.

"I met with someone, they took me there."

He tilted his head, giving a stare to his best friend. "You can say Draco's name. You only know one really rich person who would be able to stay there... When did you leave?"

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