You/Lena Luthor - Santa

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AN: Merry Christmas! Hope you're all staying safe during these holidays. 

You wanted to surprise your family with a visit from Santa. The year had been rough for Lena and the kids so you figured a little Christmas magic would end the year on a good note. 

"Winn, the door is going to be left open so you can just walk in. I'm going to need you to make as much noise as possible so the kids could hear you come in."

"I don't know, (y/n). I'm fine with dressing up as Santa to surprise the kids but shouldn't we tell Lena about this?"

"Winn! We can't tell Lena about this. You know how she's a terrible liar when it comes to the kids. She would spill everything the second they gave her those puppy dog eyes. Please, if you do this, I'll let you have free access to L-Corp's networks and labs."

His eyes twinkle with delight at the through of what he could do with such access. L-Corps technology was far better than the DEO's so he was going to finally have a chance of doing all his projects that he's been wanting to do. 

"Deal! Just drop off the bag of gifts at my place."


"Mom! Momma! Can we please stay up so we can catch Santa?"

"Nope, Santa won't be stopping at our house if he finds out that the two of you are awake."

Before they had a chance to start giving Lena their puppy dog eyes, you stood in front of her to block her sight. 

"Oh no no. I know what the two of you are trying to pull. Your momma and I are not going to let you stay up. Now come on. It's time for bed for the two of you. The sooner you go to sleep, the sooner you'll wake up to open your gifts."

Both of the screamed from happiness at the thought of their presents. They didn't need to be told again to head to bed as they made a run for it. 

"I wasn't going to let them stay up."

Lena tells you with a pout. It was cute that she pretended that they couldn't make her give in. 

"Of course, Lena. I have no doubt on your abilities to stand your ground. Now lets go to sleep, I have no doubt in my mind that they'll wake us up very early for the presents."

Lena was an early riser so she didn't mind but that wasn't the case for you. You always until the last minute to wake up. 


Lena was woken up from her sleep by a loud sound. She was going to think nothing of it and go back to sleep when she heard it again. Afraid that someone had broken in, Lena quickly shakes you awake. 

"(y/n), I think someone's downstairs. You stay here and make sure that no one goes into the kids room. I'll go check it out."

You were still half asleep and half awake so it hadn't processed in your mind that Winn was downstairs dressed as Santa. 

"Okay, please be careful."

Lena nods and heads back into your shared room to pull out the gun from the safe before she  headed downstairs. 


Winn had been humming some Christmas music that kept him from hearing Lena's careful footsteps. When he finally turns around, he screams when he's facing the gun. 

"Winn?! What the hell!"

"Please don't shoot!"

Hearing their yells, you double check that the kids are still sleeping before rushing downstairs to explain everything. 

"Wait, I can explain."

Lena narrows her eyes at the two of you before putting the lock back on the gun and lowering it. 

"Okay, then explain."

You gulped loudly, knowing you were in big trouble. You should've just listened to Winn and told her about the surprise. 

"So I had the brilliant idea of...."

You went on to explain your thought process and how you came up with the idea. As you go on with the story, Lena's eyes softens letting you know that she wasn't angry anymore. 

"This was nice of you but please let me know next time if you're planning to do this. I don't want to accidentally shoot one of our friends."

"So are you going to be paying for my therapy?" 

Winn asks the two of you. Finally finding it safe to speak up.

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now