You/Kara Danvers - Meet Again

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AN: Kara doesn't have powers. 

You sat on the chair, unable to hold yourself up after getting shot in the stomach. You weren't sure if help was ever going to arrive but you needed to make the most of it. After pressing the button for backup, you pulled out your phone to call Kara. 

It rang for the longest time and then it went straight to voicemail. 

"You're probably stuck in the I'll make this quick. Cat will probably chew me out if I ke..keep you away for too long. I'm not sure if I might make it out of here. They shot me and backup is too far away." You let out a sigh as you leaned back on the chair, making it easier for you to press against the wound. "I'm sorry for not being able to make it for the rehearsal. Gosh, Alex is going to be pissed. M...maybe you can take Lena as your date.....I needed to make this quick, right. I love you, Kara. You've been my one and only since we met in high school. The only regret I have is not being able to ask you to marry me sooner and I'm sorry....oh you're calling me."

You hung up and accepted Kara's call. 

"(y/n)! I thought they said no calls. Does this mean you're coming back?" You laughed softly as you heard her. You were probably coming back but not in the way you wanted to. "You need to tell me when so I can have your favorite ready!"

You closed your eyes and imagined yourself greeting her at the airport, the two of you happy to finally be reunited after so long. 

"I'm not sure. Maybe soon. I don't have too long...."

"Oh right! Was there something you needed me for?"

"....I...." You weren't sure if you could tell her that you were minutes away from dying. You wanted your last memories of her to be happy. "I j..just missed you voice."

Kara frowned as she heard your shaky voice. 

"Is everything okay, (y/n)?"

"Y..yeah. I'm okay. Do you think you could sing me a song to sleep?"

Oblivious to what was happening, Kara cheerfully agreed. 

"Of course! What song did you wanted me to sing?"

You stay quiet as you think of song for her to song. 

"That song we heard in the last movie we watched. We'll meet again."

"That one? But it's so sad." Kara didn't want to to read too much into things. You probably just wanted to hear it because you missed her. "Do you want to hear another one?"

"Please? I'll make it up to you?"

Kara looks over to Cat's desk and then closes the door to her office. 

"Okay, okay." She starts to sing and you hum along, You had a smile throughout the entire time, happy to hear her melodious voice. "Was that okay?" She frowns when she can't listen to you on the other end. "(y/n)?" Thinking you might've lost signal like the other times, she hangs up. 


Kara didn't realize you had left a voicemail until the late hours when she finally finished her work. Excited to her your voice again, she plays the recording. 

"You're probably stuck in the

Her smile falls when she listens that you had gotten shot. She immediately calls you back but it goes unanswered. Needing answers, she continues calling until finally someone answers. 


"Ms. Danvers, I'm so sorry to tell you this but...."


 Tears start to form as the man explains what happened. She can't move from her spot even after the call ends. She's frozen, unable to fully process what had just happened. It takes a random stranger to finally snap her out of her thoughts. They attempt to help her but she declines their help as she dials Alex. 

"Alex? It's (y/n). She's d...dead."


Kara quietly hums the song she last song for you as she watches them lower your casket. A lump in her throat formed as she forced herself to not cry. 

It had taken her a long time to come to terms that you hadn't told her what was going on. She should've know that you wanted your last moments to be happy. 

"The two of you will meet again, Kara. Her love for you had no bounds."

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now