You/Kara Danvers - Blood

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The more you read through Kara's search history, the more scared you got of her. From what you could gather, it almost sounded like Kara was planning to kill you or she killed people. 

'How to get rid of blood on your clothes?'

Kara was a reporter. There was no reason for her to be having blood on her clothes.

'Alibis I can use when they question me.'

The websites that had been showed you the exact same responses that Kara gave you when you asked her why she was home late. 

'Best places to hide things.'

What could Kara possibly be hiding that she didn't want you to find?

'Is it a good idea to take out a life insurance?'

You stopped reading as the list got worse. There had to be an explanation for why Kara was searching all those things. Kara might be strong but she could never hurt anymore. You couldn't picture her as a killer but everything that you had read pointed to the fact that she was planning a murder. 


Kara gives you a tired smile when she spots you sitting on the couch. 

"You would not believe the day I just had."

"Oh I can believe it. What did you do?"

Kara lays down on the couch so she could lay her head on your lap as she retold you what happened in the day. You tried to play it cool by pretending you were listening and running your fingers through her hair but you kept thinking about her search history.

"I know about your search history."

You interrupt her. She frowns, unsure of why you were bringing it up. There was nothing wrong with what she looked up. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Your search history, Kara!"

You head to grab her laptop to show her what you had seen in the morning. Kara quickly reads through everything, making her realize how bad it made her look. 

"Look I can explain."

"What did you do, Kara? Why were you looking this up? Did you kill someone? Am I next?"

As she stands up, you take a step back. She was strong and could easily hold you down if she wanted to. If you kept her at a distance, there was a chance you could run off before she caught you. 

"Please just let me explain!"

"Alright. Then explain because I'm minutes away from reporting you to your sister. What would she think as an FBI agent when she realizes...."

"I'm Supergirl!"

You stop talking when she rips open her shirt to reveal the suit underneath. Her being Supergirl was the last thing you had expected. 

"...but your search history. Why were you looking all of that up?! And why would you leave it where everyone could see!"

"Well they all relate to the fact that I'm Supergirl. I needed to find out how to get blood out of my suit. Considering that we've been dating for almost a year now, it's impossible to lie to you now so I needed excuses. I can't exactly leave my suit laying around since you live here so I needed ideas to where to hide it and well the insurance is in case something goes wrong."

She wraps her arms around you as you tackle her for a hug. 

"I thought you were going to kill me."

You mumble into her chest.

Kara has to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. She needed to make it up to you for scaring you. 

"I love you, (y/n). I could never."

"Good because then I'll haunt you for the rest of your life."

You knew Kara could never hurt you but you were going to make her suffer for scaring you. 

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now