You/Regina Mills - Clueless

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Hearing Regina's voice, you quickly stood up to greet her, nearly knocking someone over with your chair. You apologize as your cheeks heat up from embarrassment. The other guest waves you off and they leave you, finally allowing you a chance to greet Regina.

"Regina, I uh you look beautiful."

She smiles widely as she takes a seat on the chair you pulled up for her.

"I must say you look quite charming. You clean up nice."

"Thank you..."

"Gross. Before either of you start. I'd like to eat my dinner in peace."

"Emma! Don't be rude to your sister."

Emma just shrugs her shoulders and goes back to eating. Regina simply ignores her words and focuses on Henry. You just glare at Emma, hating how she always had to make comments when you talked with Regina.

"Is something wrong, (y/n)?"

"Shut up and eat your food, Emma."

No longer feeling hungry, you excuse yourself and make your way to washroom.


Regina waits a couple of minutes before she follows after you. Emma grabs her wrist, stopping her and pulling her down so she could whisper in her ear.

"Don't defile my sister in the restroom."

"I'm a queen. I have standards."


Regina laughs and pulls backs her wrist to follow after you.

Arriving to the washroom, she makes sure to check that it was only you inside before locking the door.

"Is everything okay, (y/n)"

It takes you a second to come out of the restroom. You give Regina a smile, hoping she won't prod.

"Everything is fine. It's just Emma being Emma."

Regina makes her way over to you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"You should ignore her comments. She just likes to get under people's skin. Especially yours now that she knows that your her sister."

She cups your cheek, caressing it with her thumb.

"She's somehow gotten worse."

"Give her a couple of weeks and she'll get bored. Then she'll just go back to bothering me again."

You nod and let out a sigh, not wanting to go back.

"Maybe we can get out of here. It's not fun to deal with all those stuck up royals."

"But it wouldn't look right if we left. They'll talk.."

"So let them talk. I don't care for their opinions. If they say anything rude to you, I'll burn them to the ground."


"I'm kidding...maybe." She whispers the last part to herself. "So what do you say."

"Lets go then."

Regina smiles and takes your hand to lead you out of the mansion.


Emma nearly chokes on her food when she sees the two of you attempt to sneak out of the party. She wanted to say something but she couldn't as she struggled to breathe.

"They left! Regina took her!"

She says when she's finally able to breathe. Snow sighs as she shakes her head.

"Let them be, Emma. We didn't say anything when you sneaked out with Hook."

Emma was too stunned to say anything, thinking that she had sneaked away without anyone noticing.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Ilsa Faust - Beginnings


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now