You/Nanno - Patrol

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(Nanno from Nowhere)

Your teacher took one glance at Nanno before turning to you. 

"Again? You should've taken her to the director when you noticed she was in violation of our school rules. You should know better, (y/n). You're part of our truant patrol."

You look down at your hands, feeling ashamed that you were being called out. After joining the patrol 2 years ago, you had always been praised for your excellent work. It had only taken a week for Nanno to ruin your perfect record. 

"Please forgive me, teacher. I've been...."

"I don't care! Now go"

You quickly nodded and stood up your seat to make your way over to Nanno. She looks up at you with a smile when you stand in front of her desk. 

"Is something wrong, (y/n)?"

"You're in violation of rule #275. You've been warned countless of times. Lets go."

She pouts as you grab her arm and pull her out of her chair. 

"But I thought you liked my piercings. I've seen you staring at them...."

"I said lets go!" You yell at her as you start dragging her out of class. The last thing you needed was for your classmates to know about your involvement with Nanno. "We made a deal!" You hiss at her when you lead her to an empty class. 

"But this is more fun. Admit it. You like seeing how I'm going to break the rules."

"Nanno! This isn't funny. You could get expelled."

"Awww. Do you care about me?" She wraps her arms around your neck to pull you closer to her. "They can't expel me. I know a little secret about them that'll tarnish this school's reputation."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Nanno gives you a smile as she pulls out her phone and shows you financial records of the school. 

"You see. The school that you love so much doesn't care about you. It's falling apart and all they care about is filling their pockets. Aren't you angry?"

You rip the phone out of her hands to get a closer look at them. 

"No. This isn't true. They care about us. Our teachers care about us!"

She caresses your cheek with her thumb. 

"Don't be a fool, (y/n). They don't care about you. You know who cares about you? I do."

You push her off of you, not believing a word that she was saying. 

"You just met me! You don't know me!"

You run to the directors office with Nanno's phone to get some answers. 


You don't get very far when you're stopped by another student. 

"I'm afraid that I can't let you go further than this."

"Get out of my way before I report you to the director."

The girl gives you a smile, almost similar to Nanno's. 

"I don't think I will. That's my friends phone and I need it back."

"I confiscated it. Now go back to your class. This is your last warning."

The girl sighs as she steps forward. With each step she takes, you take a step back. 

"You have to forgive me but you're in our way."

She gives you a smile just before ripping the phone out of your hands and pushing you over the railing. 


Nanno looks over the railing to find your body surrounded by your classmates. 

"I wouldn't have had to kill her if you would've kept your mouth shut about the records."

"I already had everything printed out. I didn't need them anymore."

Nanno pulls out a stack of papers from her bag and throws them to the students below her. 

"That's too bad then. You seemed to had taken a liking to her."

Yuri tosses the phone over the railing as well and makes her way down to join the rest of the students. 


With everyone occupied with dealing with the teachers, Nanno made her way down to your body. She sighed as she traced your lips with her thumb. She had only known you for a couple of days and yet she had quickly taken a liking to you. 

"I do care about you."

She whispered as she leaned down to kiss you. When she pulls back, you gasp loudly as you return back to the land of the living. 

"I...I was dead. I..."

"It was my fault you were killed. The least I could do was bring you back." Nanno helps you stand up with a smile. "Now you're just like me. We're going to have so much fun. Come on. Lets go show my friend how things should be done."

This time, Nanno grabs your arm and drags you to the gym. 

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now