Part 6

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They soon arrived and Oikawa received some weird looks from the others. Oikawa turned to his friend and asked "Do I have anything on me?" "Oh you have some blood on your face still." Iwaizumi grabbed a napkin from a nearby table and wiped the blood of Oikawa's face. Oikawa turned beat red and started to cough up some petals in blood.

Everyone gasped and started at him he heard whispers from every one. "He has Hanahaki." "What is wrong with him?" "How sad." "What a freak." "Someone as fine as him in this state" Oikawa just ignored them all and sat down in his seat as he waited for his name to be called.

"Torru Oikawa, we are ready for you." The nurse called out for him. The two boys stood up and made their way through the halls until they arrived in the room. "I will step out for a moment if you could please change into this robe." The nurse left the room. "Iwa-Chan, aren't you gonna leave?" "We have seen each other naked before what's the big deal." "Alright." Oikawa felt awkward and with what he was doing made it all worse as he would cough more.

He eventually changed into the gown and was sitting on the table very uncomfortably. He kept trying to cover himself up more. They soon heard a knock at the door and the nurse re-entered the room. "Alright I'm just going to perform the standards tests first." Oikawa got up got his height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, and he had to answer some questions. "Alright everything is all good I just recommend you eat more." "What?" Iwaizumi asked speaking for the first time. "Your very underweight and I am aware of your disease this tends to make people lose a lot of weight but it seems in your records say you have always been underweight. Alright the doctor will be in shortly."

She stepped out of the room and Oikawa sat awkwardly. "Have you not been eating enough?" Iwaizumi asked in a harsh tone. "I have been it's just volleyball sometimes gets in the way." "Damn it Oikawa you need to eat who cares about some stupid sport." Iwaizumi now was standing in front of his friend. Oikawa was about to argue back when they heard the door open again and Iwaizumi moved back to his seat and Oikawa sat there and felt like crying. "Alright for this next part could you please step out sir." The doctor asked Iwaizumi. "Oh no he can stay if wants to." Oikawa spoke up trying not to argue with him any more. "Alright but I will be asking some more personal questions now that may also be about the one you love."

Oikawa was now regretting having Iwaizumi stay. "So to start things off. Have you ever had sex, if so how many people?" Oikawa now started to count on his fingers "Yes and with 16 different people." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes knowing that he was probably lying about how many people. "Wow that's a lot for your age, well you are quite charming. Next question when did you first start coughing, and do you know what triggered it." "I started this Friday night and I saw them kiss someone." Oikawa tried to be vague and not give away anything. "Alright then you should have about month left but it will be less time if you start coughing full flowers and if you continue hooking up that's what can trigger it." "He has already started to cough up full flowers he coughed two up before we came here today." Iwaizumi blurted out in worry. "Sir why don't you go get some ice chips to calm yourself down." The doctor tried to push him out of the door.

Once Iwaizumi was finally gone the doctor spoke up again. "I don't know when he will be back but I'm guessing he is who you have fallen in love with." "Yea." "Alright then try and explain everything to me before he comes back." Oikawa started to explain everything quickly and the doctor noted some of the stuff down. Before Oikawa could finish explaining Iwaizumi came back. "Hey sorry I took so long I couldn't find it at first." "That's alright if you don't mind I'm gonna just have to calculate this real quick." The boys say in silence as the doctor kept writing some stuff down and occasionally looked at his computer.

"Alright I have some bad news, you have done just about everything wrong and a normal person would have about a month left but because of this you have a week left. I'm so sorry." Oikawa just sat in shock while Iwaizumi started yelling at the doctor "Your wrong Oikawa is still looking heathy so what if it's just a little bit of blood." "I'm sure you know your options but I personally recommend the surgery other whys you will die." Oikawa started to cry and Iwaizumi was just pacing around the room mumbling to himself.

"I'll leave you guys alone." The doctor stepped out of the room and Iwaizumi started yelling at his friend "Oikawa you did everything wrong, how could you." "So what if I did some stuff wrong it's not my fault it's yours." "How is it my fault I have been their for you the whole time and have been helping you." "That's the problem you being here is what is hurting me the most."

Oikawa wanted to take back what he just said. Iwaizumi didn't understand what he was saying. "Fine if I'm hurting you that much I'll find a different way home." Iwaizumi stormed out and didn't look back.

IwaOi HanahakiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora