Part 3

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Oikawa was blanking and horrified the one person that he couldn't tell about it just found out. "Uhmm I m-mean yea." Iwaizumi quickly pulled the two to the ground and started pestering him with questions. "When did this start? Have you gone to the hospital? Why didn't you tell me? Do you know what you have? Does anyone else know?" "Yesterday. No. I was planning on later. Yes. No, only you. And before you ask what I have can we have down food first." "Fine but I expect a full answer after lunch."

Iwaizumi picked him up and placed him on the couch, he went into the kitchen and brought back a bowl of soup for Oikawa.

They started to watch tv and eat some food until Iwaizumi got a call and answered to hear the voice of his new girlfriend. He put her on speaker so Oikawa could just hear what she says instead of telling him later.

"Hey zumi what time are you picking me up?" She asked and you could just hear the flirting threw her voice. "I told you already that I am busy, my friend is sick." "What's more important some silly friend or me." "My BEST friend is and sorry that someone coughing up blood is a bit more alarming then a roller skating date." With this he hang up the phone and threw it on the other side of the couch and pulled Oikawa closet to him and just held him.

"Hey Iwa-Chan, what are you doing?" "You make me feel better." He now nuzzled his head against the crook of the others neck. This had started another coughing for from Oikawa which brought more blood and a couple petals that he tried to hide quickly but was stopped. "Flowers? Please just explain to me." "Fine." He let out a sigh but continued to explain as he was held in the ravens arms.

"It's a disease of one sided love where the one who is in love will grow flowers in their lungs that will start to slowly kill them if not treated in time. The only cure is to remove them surgically but that would remove all feelings that the person has for the other. You could also confess but if you are to be declined you will die instantly but accepted the flowers will stop growing." Oikawa finally finished with some blood and flowers coming up every so often.

"So who have you fallen for then?" "That is what I would like to keep a secret sense I will not be confessing but I care for them too much to remove the flowers." "Oikawa but I can't have you die." Iwaizumi now started to cry. "Hey I still have another month that we can spend everyday together." Oikawa hugged him and tried to sooth the other boy.

They just stayed like that for awhile and let tv play in the background eventually Iwaizumi fell asleep so Oikawa got up kissed his cheek and went up to take another shower to wash of the blood that was now on his chest.

When Iwaizumi woke up he walked up to the bedroom to grab a change of clothes but he heard the shower running and as he put his ear closer to it and he heard crying. He knocked on the door and heard a thud from the other side. "Oww, what do you need?" Oikawa said as he picked himself off the slippery floor. "Can I come in?" "Yea sure." Iwaizumi stepped into bathroom and sat on a dry part of the floor. "Are you alright that sounded like a heavy fall?" "Yes I'm fine but what the hell you scared the living shit out o-." "Why where you crying? Are you really okay with all this?" "I mean of course I'm not okay with it, how would you feel if you found out you where gonna die soon only because you loved someone." "I would hate it, and do what ever I want. But most importantly I wouldn't just give up. Please just confess everyone loves you like the girl you like would say no." "What if it wasn't a girl." "What?" "I'm in love with a guy and have been pansexual from the beginning, no point in hiding it now." "I would hug you but that might be a little weird." Iwaizumi said with a laugh that caused the two of them to laugh. "Aw come on Iwa-Chan the waters only a little cold." "No way you take freezing showers."

The two continued to joke around as Oikawa finished his shower. When they finally left the bathroom they where not expecting to find Emiko Ito standing at the front door.

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