Part 9

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They eventually fell asleep with Oikawa laying on Iwaizumi with their arms wrapped around each other. They woke up at 7 am though to both of there alarms for school. They had totally forgotten that it was now Monday they couldn't believe that all this happened in just one weekend.

"I don't want to get up." Oikawa wined as he dug his face lower into the crook of the ravens neck. "Come on we need to get up." Iwaizumi tried to get up but Oikawa kept on and didn't get off.

Iwaizumi finally was able to stand up but Oikawa now wrapped his arms and legs around Iwaizumi's body and just hung onto him. "Alright fine but if you fall it's your fault." "My ass still hurts Iwa." Oikawa complained and just kept hanging on as the two went into the kitchen. "Don't forgot about what you must call me now. Even when we are at school." "But dadddyy." "No buts." Iwaizumi grabbed them both some cereal and bowls and got everything all ready. He eventually pulled Oikawa off him and got him to eat.

They made there way up stairs and got changed. "Daddy how the hell am I gonna walk to my classes my ass hurts." "Well you are just gonna have to find a way aren't you kitty." Iwaizumi gave him a little peck as he just sat there and watched his boyfriend struggle to get on his uniform. When they finally got ready they went out to the car and drove to the school.

The rest of the day went fine except for a couple of people asking about the marks on Oikawa's neck and the way he was walking. Soon it was finally time for volleyball. Oikawa was scared how the hell was he gonna jump and run and be near Iwaizumi. The two of the ran into each other on the way to the gym and Iwaizumi slapped his ass as a greeting. "Damn it Iwa-Chan that was mean." "Ah ah, I don't respond to that name any more." Now Oikawa brought to his voice to a whisper. "Do I really have to call you daddy in the gym? In front of people!!" "Absolutely kitty." "What's up with that nickname too?" "You act like a cat, so, kitty." "Ugh fine." They finally arrived at the locker room. No one else was in there though so Iwaizumi's first instinct was to pin Oikawa to the wall and kiss him. "Daddy what if someone comes in?" "Who cares." They continued to kiss each other until the heard people talking from the other side of the door and they broke apart quickly.

They went over to their lockers and started to change as the others entered. "Well yea so my mom was so piss- Oh my god, Iwaizumi are you okay?" "Hm?" Iwaizumi responded and turned around to see everyone staring at him. "Your back looks like you got attacked by a cat." "Oh this, yea I guess you could say in a way it was a kitty." Iwaizumi snickered to himself and pulled on a shirt.

The rest of the team slowly moved on and got changed themselves. Oikawa waddled his way to the gym and started to get set up with a couple others. "Is your knee bothering you or something?" Someone asked as they saw how he was making his way slowly. "Sure." Oikawa said in a high pitched voice.

"Alright everyone we will be playing a mock game so on one side we are gonna have. Matsusan, Hanamaki, Yahaba, Kunimi, Sawauchi, Yuda. On the other side we will have. Me, Iwaizumi, Kyōtani, Kindachi, Watari, Shido. Alright everyone let's get to work." Everyone moved except for Iwaizumi who stood on the side of the court. "Iwa-Chan come onnnnn." The others all got confused while Iwaizumi still didn't move. "Fine. Daddy you will be playing on this side." Iwaizumi walked over with a smug smirk and walked over to his spot next to Oikawa.

Everyone was speechless and Oikawa was beet red. "Umm what the fuck just happened?" "Oh well he called me daddy so much last night I told him he has to keep calling me that." "WHAT." Everyone started freaking out there captain and co-captain where dating and it shook everyone. "Alright everyone calm down we are gonna continue practice cause that's why we are here." Everyone finally calmed down and went back to there spots and played the game but still came out some chuckles when they saw the marks, nicknames, or how Oikawa was walking.

When the day was over the two got into the car and Oikawa just dropped his head against the wheel. "I can't believe you made me actually do it." Iwaizumi was just dying in laughter. "We'll get used to it cause you are stuck with me forever now."

They went home and took a shower together, did there homework, and cuddled until they fell asleep. This had become there new daily with just some days that where off for dates, or when either was really in a horny mood. They had made themselves a happy life that they would never take for granted.

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