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I tried a spoon full of the ice cream, oh my god it's so good.

"Mmm, do you want some" I pushed the plate towards him to which he shook his no.

"I'm good, how close were you guys?"

"Well we used to spend every afternoon with each other and because he was older he'd always tell me about his high school and high school friends which I thought was so cool. Then one day he moved away without telling me and I was pretty sad, but we had a sibling relationship."

Niki looked relieved when I said the last sentence and I giggled a little.

"Why? Are you jealous." I teased seeing his face flush a little.

"Jealous? You're just dreaming." He took a spoonful of my waffles and ice cream.

"Hey i thought you didn't want any" Niki just shrugged his shoulders.

We both finished the dessert before heading out of the dessert place. But before we left I waved bye to Mark.

"Alright we're going"

"We should catch up sometime." I nodded my head and went out to where Niki was waiting.


"Oi" Niki tapped my shoulder waking me up from my small nap.

"What I'm trying to sleep" I whined trying to shoo him away.

"You do this to me, why can't I do it back?"

"Because I'm special now piss off." Niki groaned and muttered something I couldn't hear.

"What was that, say it louder." I lifted my head off the desk.

"Nothing" he said sitting back at his desk ignoring my whines.

I gave up and laid back down but couldn't sleep anymore, my tiredness just disappeared.

"Ugh now I can't sleep, thanks a lot" Niki ignored me. "What were you gonna say before."

"I'm trying to sleep" Niki mimicked my words and the tone I spiked with.

"Tell me" I slapped him on the shoulder making him flinch awake.

"Ok ok fine. My mum asked if you wanted to come over. She made food and said that you lived alone?"

"Yeah I do and sure I'll come, today?" He nodded his head.

I was walking with Niki to his house. We both didn't talk since I had my earphone in. The view to Niki's was nice, it was on the edge of a hill giving a nice city view.

I felt one of my earphones fall out my ear making me turn my head to Niki. I saw that he had placed it in his ear and he was nodding his head to the music.

This was a nice walk. Two best friends walking down a road with a nice view besides us while the sun is setting. Well are we best friends, maybe just friends.

"Can I ask you as question?" Niki asked.

"What is it?"

"Well you said that you live alone. Where are your parents?"

"Ah they're working in Japan. That's actually how I know Japanese. I visit there every now and then and learn a bit of the culture while I'm there."

"That's nice, they raised an independent daughter well."

"Thanks" I smiled sheepishly.

"Hello ma'am" I bowed to Niki's mother as I entered the house.

"Ah you came! I'm so happy to see you again." I smiled at her and placed my school bag on the floor near the front door.

"Here i made some food for you." She lead me to dining room where there were delicious food laying on the table. "I made special udon with tempura and takoyaki balls if you're still hungry."

I miss Japanese food so much. After coming back from Japan about a month ago, I've been craving Japanese food. I've tried some here but it's just not as good. But I have a feeling that this will be good since it's homemade Japanese food from a Japanese cook.

I thanked her for the meal and tried the udon, it was perfection. Possibly better than the ones in Japan, that's how good it was.

"Woah this is so good!" I started having mouthfuls of the udon. Niki's mum laughed at my reaction but told me to slow down or I'll choke.

I went to try the takoyaki and it was literally perfection. I think I melted in my seat since I heard Niki's mum laugh and Niki giggle a little.

"Eat as much as you want." Niki said bringing me out of my thoughts.

After some time I finished eating and it was time for me to head home.

"Thank you for the food, it was really good." I bowed and went to get my bag.

"You're welcome, come back anytime and you can try more dishes of mine" she laughed while waving as I was exiting the house.

"I'm gonna walk her home" I heard Niki say from inside.

"It's fine I live near by" It was already dark and I didn't want him to walk back home again.

"You're gonna get kidnap and I'm gonna get in trouble so you have no choice."

We started walking in silence again. This silence wasn't like the peaceful silence before but an awkward one. I'm glad the walk isn't long, my apartment is only a couple streets from his.

I mentioned this before but I try to avoid every awkward situation as much as possible. I took out my earphones from my pocket and plugged it into my phone. I placed one earphone in my right ear and offered the other one to Niki. He looked confused for a moment but took the other earphone and placed it in his left ear.

After about five minutes we arrive outside my apartment building.

"Well thanks for walking me home and tell your mum I said thanks for dinner again."

"Ah yeah it's no problem and I'll tell that." He was playing with the hem of shirt as he spoke. I nodded and the silence came back.

"I'm gonna go now, bye." I quickly turned around and walked off.

"Wait." Niki called out making me stop. I gave him a questionable look.

"Do you wanna go on a date?"


Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now