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I try opening my eyes but they were so heavy I could barely open them. My body was tired. I don't know how long I was out for but it felt like forever. The smell of gasoline mixed with old rusty metal filled my nose, like I was in a warehouse.

I managed to open my eyes despite them wanting to close again. I looked around to see that I was in a small room. My hands and feet were tied together. Across from me was Sunoo, he was still unconscious.

What happened?

"Sunoo!" I shouted. I couldn't really move and shouting was the only thing I could do.

His eyes start to flutter open until eventually he was conscious again. He looked around and when he me there was panic in his eyes.

"Jennifer!" He called.

We both started to wriggle out body's so we could get closer. Suddenly the door to this room opened revealing a tall, lean figure.


Panic erupted in me. My heart started beating faster and I could feel the sweat build up in my palms.

"You're finally awake." His cold chilling voice echoed into the room.

He had an awfully eerie smile on his face as he spoke. Mark could feel the fear from the Sunoo and I making him smile even more.

Mark came inside completely closing the door behind him. He crouched down in front of me gentle holding my face in his hands.

I flinched and tried to move away but Mark's grip kept me in place.

"I've missed you" his deep voice filled my ear, creating goosebumps on my skin.

Mark leaned into my neck, I felt him inhale making me flinch again. When he pulled away he stood up straight and looked down at my shakened body. This sight made him laugh.

"You've been a bad girl running off with bad boys. Don't you think you deserve to get hit?" Mark reached into his pocket and grabbed a pocket knife.

My eyes widen and i start to move backwards until my back reached the wall. Mark followed me pointing the knife to my face. He rested the knife under my chin and started dragging the blade along my collarbone.

"I-I didn't have a choice" each word came out shaky.

"Mmm really?"

Suddenly there was a piercing pain under my jawline. I let out a scream before placing my hand to wear the pain was. My hands started to stain with blood and I noticed the knife in Mark's hand drip with blood.

"You saw me and still left with him."

Mark came in to slice me with the knife again, this time it was on my cheekbone. Another scream filled the room.

There was blood flowing from both cuts. Some droplets managed to fall and pile up on the ground.

I noticed movement behind Mark and saw Sunoo edging closer and closer to Mark.

Before I realise what he was doing, Sunoo charged his head forward at Mark. This made Mark fall and drop his knife.

Sunoo quickly grab the knife and started cutting the rope from around his wrist. But the rope was too thick to cut. Mark got up and punched Sunoo straight in the face. This was followed by another punch in the face and a kick in the stomach.

"JB! Come get this guy out!" Mark yelled.


Sunoo was passed out at this point. When JB came in he carried Sunoo like he was a sack of potatoes. When they both exited the room Mark looked back at me.

"Now where was I?" He grabbed me by the neck slamming my head against the wall. He held the knife in my face again.

"You will never leave me ever again. I don't even want you to leave my sight is that understood?"

I nodded my head. Mark was gripping my neck so tight I found it hard to breath.

Mark didn't seem satisfied with my answer.

He went in for another cut along my cheek making me scream even more.

"Yes! Yes!"


Mark moved away from me making me collapse onto the floor. The stinging on my face was unbearable.

"BamBam go take her somewhere else." Mark walked out the room leaving me alone before BamBam came in.

BamBam looked down at my state before bending over to pick me up. He carried me out the room, that's when i noticed I was in the warehouse. BamBam carried me into another room that was away from the main warehouse area. And in the room was a bed where BamBam laid me down.

I hugged my knees and faced away from BamBam. But I could feel his presence approach me.

BamBam placed his hand on my shoulder making me flinch.

"Hey" his voice was calm but wasn't making me calm. Instead, it spiked fear in me.

I didn't face him nor did I respond. I guess he noticed that since I heard him let out a heavy sigh.

The door opened and closed and BamBam's presence disappeared.

I looked around and he was in fact gone. I laid down on the rock hard bed and even with all the stinging from the open wounds and the ropes digging into my skin, I managed to cry myself to sleep.


Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now