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The food was good, like really really good. I still felt really guilty about forgetting about Niki and I's 10 months anniversary. But Niki continued to tell me that he didn't care and that it was fine since we were still spending it together.

"I still can't believe my son was able to meet someone as special as you." Niki's mum began patting my hair. "One day I'll be able to call you my daughter."

I didn't say anything but give her my shy smile. I looked over to see Niki giving me the same shy smile.

My phone started ringing and I excused myself to a quiet spot in the restaurant. It was my mum. It had been about a month since she last called me, I'm not surprised. Mum and I try to keep in touch as much as possible, even if it's once a month.

"Mum" I said with some form of excitement.

"How's my daughter?"

"I'm doing ok"

"Really? You don't sound ok."

"Many things happened over the last month."

I explained everything as brief as possible so that I don't cry and talk for so long.

"Jennifer dear, I wish I were there to give you a hug."


"How are you and Niki?" I also told her about Niki and his mum. She was happy and said she couldn't wait to meet Niki and his family.

"It's our 10 month anniversary today and we're actually out for dinner right now."

"Oh my, I'm sorry to disturb you guys. I'll let you enjoy your dinner. Stay safe and Jennifer, everything will be okay. I love you."

"I love you too mum."

When the call ended a wave a sadness fell upon me. I really wanted to see my parents again. It's been almost a year now.

I made my way to the table where Niki and his mum were. They could tell by my expression and how long I've spent on the phone that my mum called me.

"You ready to go now?" Niki asked to which I nodded.

Niki offered to pay but I saw from outside the restaurant that he was bickering with his mum about  how he wanted to pay. But in the end his mum was the one who paid. And when they both exited, Niki was still bickering with his mum.

"Let's go home." His mum said.

I hooked my arm around Niki's and started following behind his mum but Niki wasn't moving.

"You can go ahead with her, I'm gonna grab something from the shops real quick."

"Oh ok." I said before running off to catch up with Niki's mum.

We eventually made it home where Niki's mum and I just hung around the living room and talked while waiting for Niki to come home.

"When did you last visit your parents?" Niki's mum asked.

"Hmm, about last December"

"That's almost a year ago." I can tell by the tone of her voice that she felt bad that my parents and I are separated and rarely talk. "When are you gonna visit them next?"

I thought about it for a moment. Normally my parents would tell me that they bought a plane ticket for me to come and visit them in Japan. Mostly because I can't afford a plane ticked and because they would have to find time to spend with me. Most of the time it's usually the end of each year.

"Usually they tell me when they want me to visit. And that's usually in December."

I can see the lady fiddle with her fingers before speaking.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to fly to Japan with Niki and I. It would be nice if Niki and I can meet your parents and for you spend Christmas with them. But if they're busy you can just spend it with us."

My heart warmed up with every word she spoke. She really is like a mother to me.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

This woman always knows how to make me feel better. She pulled me in for a small hug but pulled away when there was a knock at the door.

"It's probably Niki" I said before making my way to the front door.

I opened the door with a big smile expecting to see Niki. But Niki was no where to be seen, in fact there was no one at the door. I opened the door fully so I check if there was anyone outside, and I even stepped outside. But no one.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I called out but no reply.

Suddenly a loud deafening scream came from the living room where Niki's mum was. Without a second thought I ran back inside the house.

The atmosphere became eerie and dark as I made my quick steps into the living room.

My heart dropped when I saw Niki's mother on the floor with knife scars on her face, arms and legs. As well as a knife sticking out her stomach.

"AHH what happened?!"

I ran forwards trying to put pressure on any large wounds to stop the bleeding. That only resulted in blood staining my own clothes. I saw that the knife was loosening and was gonna fall out. If it came out blood would start spilling from the would, making it hard to stop the bleeding.

I held the knife in place while using my other hand to apply pressure on the open wounds. Sweat was trickling down my face and every now and then I would have to wipe my face which only smeared more blood on myself.


I jumped a little and turned around to where the noise came from.


shits about to go down so be prepared ;)

Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя