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Did I hear that correctly?


"Uh do you wanna go on a date, with me" he was fiddling with his fingers.

I didn't know that he felt this way with me, I thought it was a one sided feeling that's why I never had the confidence to do anything. But surprisingly he was the one to make the first move.

"I just think you're super cool, you were really nice when first met and my mum really likes you, so maybe I have a chance...?"

I think my face is on fire. I held my face between my hands in an attempt to cool my cheeks off so that I don't look like a tomato.

"It's okay if you say no, I understand" he continued.



"I'll go on a date with you."

Niki's eyes widen in shock as his shock face slowly turn into one with pure joy.

"R-really?" I nodded my face.

I watched as Niki started cheering to himself while jumping up and down, I laughed at his cute reaction.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" he said cheerfully.

"Bye Niki." I waved with a big smile and blush on my face.

I went inside the building but stayed by a window watching Niki continue to jump around in joy. When he was out of sight I went up to my apartment room.


Dumb bitch: what.


Dumb bitch: YOUR JOKING


Dumb bitch: how did you get asked out and not me

Because you're dumb and ugly: Me


I laughed, Giselle and I have a love hate relationship and it's really fun to call each other names. Of course we don't actually mean it, sometimes.


Throughout the whole day Giselle kept teasing me about Niki. Niki still acted the same, cold yet playful. I could tell Niki wanted the both of us to be alone but Giselle didn't let us. She would say 'what if something happens' while raising her eyebrows.

She's so immature.


"Jennifer" I turned around while still walking to the hallway doors, it was Niki.

"Hey what's up?" I asked slowing down my pace so he could catch up.

"I want to take you somewhere."

This must be a part of our date which he hasn't talked about yet. He just asked me out and said nothing else.

He started walking a bit faster leading me off the school grounds. When we out on the streets he slowed down so that he was walking next to me. I could feel him brush his hand against mine trying to hold it. I mentally laugh at how hard he's trying to make it seem casual and natural.

I grabbed his hand to save him some trouble. His head shot up to mine but I wasn't looking at him, but rather the area we were in.

"So where are we going?" He snapped his head back to the front and thought about his answer.

"You'll see."

After walking through the long streets and up a hill we arrived at a small park on the hills that shows the whole river, which also separates my neighbourhood from the city that's across from us. This river also runs along the side of the school.

I was too busy taking in the view that I didn't realise the small set up that Niki prepared. There was a large picnic blanket under a tree with a small basket that had drinks and snacks sticking out. There were small plastic boxes containing the different meals Niki prepared lay around the mat. As well there were pillows and fairy lights for decoration. It was so pretty.

"Surprised" Niki said while waving his hands a little. He pulled me so that I was sitting down on the mat. Niki started removing the lids of the containers.

"Did you make these all by yourself?" I said while looking at all the different meals he brought.

"Ah mum knew that I was taking you out for a picnic so she prepared a lot of food for you." I don't know how but my already big smile grew even bigger. She's so sweet and she raised such a cold son, whom I also happen to have an interest him, hehe.

We both started eating, well mostly me crying over how good the food is and Niki watching me eat, laughing along the way.

This was a perfect afternoon.

Niki and I finished eating and just watched as the sun start to set, shining it's late afternoon light over the river and city.

I felt Niki place his hand behind me and on my side. I looked over to see him already looking at me.

"Thank you for making so happy in such a small time." This didn't sound like the normal Niki. Usually he's straightforward and always joking with me. But this time he sound so genuine and so happy it made my heart melt.

I swung both my arms around Niki, pulling him into a tight hug while falling on my back.

"Thank you for today I enjoyed it so much."

And that's how Niki and I started dating.


Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now