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"𝙊𝙄. 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀 𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀." bakugou grunted as he dragged kaminari by his shirt into the bush.

"huh? what? no!" kaminari's panicked voice was heard before there was a huge electrocution behind the bush. moments later, kaminari came out. his hands were in his signature pose- the two thumbs up signs. "whey..."

"what? what did bakugou do?" sero asked, trying to hold in his own laughter as he watched kaminari, in idiot mode, in front of him. jirou already burst into laughter, using a hand to clutch her stomach and the other to cover her mouth.

"wheey!" kaminari said again as he jumped into the air. "wheey!"

the whole class was already in fits of laughter. except todoroki, who had been facing the other way.

"you're laughing too much!" y/n said, grinning at jirou who looked like she had an awfully hard time breathing.


"today was a long, tiring day. i need sleep." y/n convinced herself before entering the bathroom to brush her teeth.

when she came out, she flopped onto her bed. her eyes were wide awake as she stared blankly at the ceiling. i'm not tired.

"i'm gonna get eyebags," she reminded herself. "if i don't sleep now." trying to get into a comfortable position, she tossed and turned in her bed. after about fifteen minutes, she heaved a long sigh. giving up on trying to sleep, she got up and went out of her room, hoping that she would find something interesting to do.

as usual, she entered the common area, looking around for any sign of life. "guys? is anyone here? i know i said i wouldn't be joining, but..." she let her voice trail off as she caught sight of kaminari.

there was something off about him, though. his shoulders were shaking slightly and she could hear slight sniffles coming from him.

no way. is he crying?

"...yo? kami?" y/n called hesitantly as she took a few tentative steps towards him.

immediately, he wiped his face and turned around, a smile spreading across his face. "yo!"

way too cheerful.

"hi," y/n said as she sat down cross-legged beside him. "were you crying?"

he opened his mouth, then closed it. "you saw?"

"yup. do you want to talk about it?" y/n tried to make herself sound as casual as possible so that kaminari wouldn't think that it was wrong or be uncomfortable.

"yeah, actually..." kaminari grabbed a fistful of his hair. "remember today when i short circuited myself to distract the others from bakugou giving kirishima money- and also to cheer them up?"

y/n nodded.

he sucked in a breath. "it's so scary," he choked out, his voice breaking. "to short circuit myself, i mean. my brain fries. sero told me before that he worries for me like that, but i always shrug it off and assure him i'm fine."

"but you're-"

"but i should be used to it," he cut her off. the kaminari in front of y/n was the one that hid nothing. the strong walls he built around how he truly felt was crumbling, and she was there to see it.

"since i do it to cheer people up, and i do it so often, i should be used to it. even if i was, that doesn't mean it won't hurt. and even if it does hurt, i don't want to say it..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "why am i even saying this? forget what i told you, please," he said, somehow managing to make his smile bright even while tears were spilling from his eyes.

y/n clenched her fists, fighting with her inner self- debating over what she should say. what she could say. this whole time, she hadn't bothered to notice the flicker of terror in his eyes before he covered himself with electricity. now, she berated herself for she had no words of comfort, nothing to say to possibly ease what he was feeling.

"...c'mere." y/n said, arms outstretched as she pulled kaminari into a hug. it was the only thing she thought she could do that was morally right, anyway. more than a million thoughts were already racing through her head- the realisation of how easy it was for him to hide his emotions about any situation. how long he's been doing it. what other negative feelings he could be hiding.

"why don't you stop doing that, for now?" y/n suggested lightly. "we could find other ways to cheer people up."

"no," he mumbled into her shoulder. "it's not really about that."


"it's just that being funny that way is one of my only redeeming qualities."

the words slowly sank in.

a/n hello

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