Chapter 36

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He stared at his child in front of him who's brink of breaking out of his own sanity. The man then sigh and stand up looking down at his only child, "Alastor. What did I told you about having in contact with your dead mother?" He said raising his brow at the boy as his eyes narrowed. Alastor didn't spoke but only stare at the ground, feeling a bit of shame that's raising inside him.

The man then sigh as he pinch the bridge of his nose, "She's been dead for 10 years, boy. Why now? You come on my door step, not even giving your father a hug let alone give me another problem to think about." He said lowly as he went to the kitchen holding the bottle that Alastor had bought for him. He then returns with two cups as he sat down placing the bottle along with the cups on the coffee table.

Alastor watch him do so as he didn't spoke any words. The man then poured the whiskey on the two cups as he gently pushed the cup towards Alastor as he takes his. Alastor could only stare at the cup as his father leaned in towards the couch as he sat, a cup of whiskey in his hand.

"You're a smart boy, I know that. But with you being so madly attached to your mother lead you to this." He said as he took a sip.

Alastor didn't spoke once again, but he wanted to. He was just left with no words to say to his father. Both of them haven't seen in each other for almost a year now, and now that Alastor was here of course his father was expecting him to have a reunion, but no, he was here with a problem that involves his dead mother.

"You're awfully quiet. Alastor, I'm tired of scolding you around about bringing your mother back, I want to hear your thoughts since i know you badly want to get out of this situation." He said, and there it is, his father senses. He knows that his son might not be mentally stable, ever since he saw that incident when he was still 12 years old, of course a father would do anything to know what his child would be thinking about.

Alastor's breath hitched as the corner of his lips twitched, "Father, i know very well that you don't want to meddle with any of the supernatural, but you're my only choice to end this thing with my mother." He said in which peaked the interest of his father.

"Go on, boy." His father said, encouraging him to talk about it more so he could what he's suppose to do.

"I have known not just one, but two demon's that are belong to the royal family in which are powerful enough to expel mother from this realm." Alastor said, now that sounded weird for him to talk this way but his lips were twitching telling him to stop talking as if his mother knows what he's doing right now. But, whatever it takes to keep the girl and him to be safe, his taking the risk to do so.

"Hm, hearing that from you is very...odd. But, I wouldn't expect anything from since you're already like this." He paused as he took another sip from his cup, "Do tell me who this people are." His father said.

Alastor was taken back as his eyes widened a bit. He was expecting his father to still consider these demon's to be people. His father said it himself, even as demons that lurks in depths of the shadows, his father was still considering them as a person. He should've seen that coming since his father was kind after all.

"They're my classmate as of pretending to be humans. Their names are Avis and Avix Verlassene and they're twins." He said as his father hummed in response.

"Hm," he said as Alastor seemed to be waiting for him to continue what he has to say. But Alastor was caught off guard when his father scoff and smiled at him, in which looked like him, "History do repeats itself, boy." His father said.

Alastor's eyes widened a bit. He doesn't know what he was talking about since he never knew what happened to his father and how both of his parents met. He never knew any of it because first of all, he never did asked.

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