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You smiled and waved. Belong you was dark and nothing but suffering but you were somehow thankful that you can see him down there. On the other part of that below were your friends.

It was so bright for him to even look up, but he did eventually and that's where he saw her beautiful smile as she waved at him in a friendly way.

The angel smiled as she turned her attention towards her friend who seemed to be having their own business in the living world. It's enough for her, seeing how much she didn't hate him when he confessed his feelings and what he has been keeping from her. She was too nice for her own good, and that of course, leads her to her own death.

"Heeeey~! Enjoying yourself in your new environment?" The archangel, Michael asked, as he stands near the girl who has a bright smile on her face.

The girl nodded and giggled, "Yes! I can see everyone and everything here! Thank you!" She enthusiastically said with a bright smile.

The angel who had the same shade of blonde hair as the King of Hell smiled as he scoffs in relief, patting her head out of habit, "I'm so glad you're happy." He said as this made the girl looked at her as she displaces her smile with a frown.

"Am I really not allowed to visit my friends?" She asked.

Michael blink his eyes twice and chuckled, "You can! But you gotta earn it you know! But you can ask The Creator nicely, maybe he will let you!" He said with a smile.

"Really?" The girl asked as her eyes show hope.

Michael nods with a smile but immediately turned into a serious one, "Not now though, he's in a bad mood. The humans have been acting and displeasing The Creator with the events happening down there..." Michael worriedly said.

The girl instantly frowns, "Oh yeah...I hope my friends will get over with those events..." She said with a huff as Michael smiled.

"Well, I didn't also come here to check up on you! I also want to ask something since the part of my family is involved in your death." Michael said as he sat down on the ground. It was comfy and nice since your environment was made purely by you. After all, It was given to you and you were chosen to choose this one.

"Oh? Really? Uhm, ask away!" She said nervously as this made Michael sigh in relief.

"(Y/n), It's about Alastor, and of course his mother." He asked as this made her frown, remembering how she died.

"Oh..." she said as her voice saddened. Michael instantly noticed as he began to scramble with his words.

"H-Hey don't be sad! Uhm, I'm sorry for questioning, but I'm just curious since I don't have the full picture but if you don't want to talk about it, maybe you can answer some questions about the twins!" Michael nervously said as he tried to at least comfort her and bring back the smile she had lost earlier.

"It's okay Archangel! I'd be glad to tell you! I need to stop being so affected by my death, after, it's all in the past now and everything has changed! I need to learn to stop living in my past!" She said as she brought back her smile in which made the archangel smiled too.

"I'm glad to hear that (Y/n)." He said with a soft smile.

After that, the girl explained what had really happened to her death. She was saved by her own captor, which is the renowned radio demon in hell now. She explained how Alastor confessed his feelings for her and that he wanted to fix everything that he had wrecked, and the first step was saving her from his monstrous mother. He did everything he could with his will, but his mother had other plans, she had someone to kill Alastor on the spot, the man was not named, yet (Y/n) could remember how that man killed Alastor and fed him to his ferocious dogs after he shot Alastor on his head. She got away, of course, a bit further from where it had happened, but it wasn't long until Alastor's mother had found her and that's where she got devoured. That lady did savor the moment as she slowly tore her limb by limb, and in the end, before her soul gets devoured also, that's where The Creator's light saved her from that nightmare, and when she woke up, she's already in the holy presence of The Creator himself, and of course, JC. (You know who I meant).

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