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"Shh, baby," Theo's hushed voice says, sounding muffled as if his lips are currently pressed against something--or someone. "We don't wanna get caught," he adds before sloppy, wet kissing sounds followed by more shuffling suddenly flood through the phone.

I can't even believe this is happening right now!

Rage boils in my stomach and quickly scorches through my veins. Did Theo really butt dial me while hooking up with another woman? I'm utterly speechless, blindsided by this unexpected revelation, my brain and mouth unable to communicate with each other to form any words. While I know that I've never been a perfect girlfriend and that deep down, I'm aware that I'm not in love with Theo, I've at least been faithful to him over the course of our relationship. Although we've never clearly established or defined that kind of boundaries for our relationship, I had assumed that monogamy is a common expectation between a boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't think it was asking too much to expect the same consideration from him.

The longer I think about this situation, the more agitated I become. As I silently stew, more and more questions seem to bombard me. Is this the first time Theo has cheated? Have there been other women throughout our so-called relationship? How long has this been going on right under my nose? And what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I not good enough? Unable to withstand another second of hearing the sordid affair on the other end of the line, I quickly hang up the phone. Taking a few deep breaths, I try to calm the anger that is rushing through me.

I pace through the expansive backyard, clutching the phone tightly in my hands to the point where I'm almost worried I might snap the thing clear in half. No longer able to control my building emotions, a scream works its way up from my belly, tearing through my throat and echoing around the garden. My infuriated yelling is interrupted by a knock on the back fence, and I can't quite decide whether I'm embarrassed or pissed that someone has heard my little breakdown. Indifferent, maybe. These people and their opinions of me don't really matter, anyway; I'm not sticking around much longer. Quieting immediately, I brush the hair from my face in a poor attempt to compose myself before approaching the gate.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" the man asks, his concerned eyes raking over my disheveled appearance. I assume he's one of the neighbors, but I don't recognize him. He's probably in his late thirties to early forties, the light graying of his hair and the stubble on his chin letting me know he's definitely older than I am. When I stare blankly at him, still unable to force my lips to form words, he worriedly looks past me into the yard.

It takes a few seconds before my frazzled mind understands that this guy probably thinks I'm being assaulted or something. Why else would I be screeching in such a way, right? The amusement tickles my throat as a laugh erupts, forcing its way out. I lean on the fence for support as I try to catch my breath and control my laughter, watching as the man's face morphs into an expression of confusion. Honestly, I wouldn't blame this guy if he thought I was a complete whack job right now. Finally, I'm able to speak, taking a deep breath before saying, "I'm okay, sir. I just caught my boyfriend cheating on me, that's all."

The guy looks me over once more before his eyes fill with realization. He gives me a swift nod and says, "Have a good night, Ma'am. Feel free to scream it all out; the house to the other side of yours is empty."

I thank the man quietly before returning to my porch, still actively trying to suppress the chuckles that are escaping me. After another deep breath, I tell myself that I've finally calmed down enough to move on from the awkward yet entirely entertaining conversation that just took place. Although, the persistent tingle in my chest tells me that that idea may not be completely accurate. Regardless, I collect myself as much as possible before searching through my phone contacts.

I dial the number of the coffee shop and make arrangements for the assistant manager to continue covering for me. I inform him that something came up, and my stay here has unfortunately been extended, and I'm unsure when I will be able to return. He seems absolutely thrilled to be acting as the boss, so I allow him the pleasure of squealing with joy in my ear. When he finally settles down enough to continue the conversation, I let him know that I'll call when I've figured out when I'll be coming back before hanging up the phone. I'm almost certain that a second wave of squeals was rising up his throat, and I wasn't ready to listen to a single moment more of it.

With that conversation out of the way, my next phone call is to the long-term care facility where Grandpa Jones is currently residing. I determinedly make arrangements for Grandpa Jones to be transferred to my hometown to live with me in my newly-acquired house. I know Grandpa's time is short, but I'd like him to stay here with me, where he can enjoy his final days in peace. The care facility is comfortable, and they treat him well, don't get me wrong. But for some reason, I suddenly feel as if this is where I'm meant to be right now, and Grandpa's presence is probably the only thing that could make this place even remotely bearable.

My mind shifts into overdrive as I work to plan out the changes that are so unexpectedly happening in my life. This, of all things, is the last thing I would have ever anticipated happening to me; moving back to my hometown had never before even crossed my mind. However, some distance between Theo and me after everything that has transpired between us over the last few days is of the utmost importance; I know this. Otherwise, I might unintentionally murder the man or something, should I happen to lay eyes on him before I've had the chance to calm down.

After completing all of the necessary phone calls, I decide that I'd better go into town to stock the kitchen and likely purchase a few clothes and other essential items to get me through my stay in this place. I definitely didn't pack enough clothes for more than a few days away from home.

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