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Before I know it, my week with Levi in New York comes to an end, and I'm overwhelmed with the realization that this... Well, this is really goodbye. I wake early, hoping to have my feelings under control before Levi rises, proceeding with a morning routine to the best of my ability. As the hot water showers down on me, I attempt to wash away the lingering negativity and desperation, scrubbing my skin until it feels raw, and even the caress of the water feels almost painful.

After throwing on some sweats, I head to the kitchen, dutifully immersing myself in the process of making breakfast in an attempt to deter my mind from getting lost in other things. I'm so consumed by focusing solely on the motions of my body that I don't hear a single sound when Levi suddenly approaches me. His arms wrap around my waist from behind, pulling my back into his hard, unclothed chest. I'm momentarily startled, my brain instantly snapping its attention to the man who has unexpectedly appeared behind me, forgetting entirely about the food I'd been making.

I allow myself to surrender to his embrace, my muscles relaxing under Levi's touch as he silently holds me. He dips his head down, running his nose along the length of my neck, and it takes every ounce of strength within me not to crumble to the mounting desire building within me. "Morning," he whispers, his voice husky with the remnants of sleep.

I don't think I've ever wanted someone so badly before.

Now is not the time to give in, though. Levi is leaving in just a few hours; I couldn't possibly give him any false hopes that whatever this is between us could somehow continue after today. My brain and my heart begin a silent battle, each side determined to emerge victorious. Finally, I settle back to the previous notion of letting him go; it's what's best, after all.

My heart aches at the thought, and I have to fight back the urge to beg him to stay. The words are there at the tip of my tongue, but I take a sip of my steaming coffee and burn them away along with my taste buds. After everything he has already done for me, I couldn't possibly ask him to make such a sacrifice, to give up everything he's ever known just to appease my own needs to keep him close.

What a horrible person that would make me.

The morning passes much more quickly than I would like, my heart racing in time with the hands on the clock as if the world is about to end at any given moment. I do my best to contain myself, to provide Levi with the sweet and carefree final day in New York that I know he deserves... Even if it feels like it's slowly killing me. After the breakfast dishes are cleared from the table, Levi and I cuddle up on the couch with a cozy blanket and a movie, soaking in our last few hours of each other before he returns to his home.

When it's time to prepare to depart for the airport, my chest suddenly feels as if it's weighed down more than usual, a gaping hole somehow appearing where my heart should be. The pain of the impending separation has my eyes welling with tears, but I will myself to keep them suppressed until I'm alone.

Until Levi is gone.

I can't let him see how much it hurts to watch him leave; I can't make this any harder for him than it already is.

Just as we're about to leave my apartment, there's a knock on the door. I hesitate before answering, the pit growing in my stomach alerting me that nothing good can come of this situation. Swallowing back my fear, I slowly reach for the knob, allowing the door to swing open before me.

"Kate," Theo's voice says, causing my eyes to widen and my heart to practically leap out of my chest. "I'm so glad I caught you," he continues, stepping forward to close the distance between us. "Baby, we really need to talk. But first," he says. He doesn't finish his sentence, instead grabbing onto my shoulders and pulling me toward him before sealing his lips against my own in an unexpected kiss.

I'm frozen for a moment, my mind struggling to process what the hell is happening right now. But it only takes a few seconds before my own hands raise, shoving harshly against Theo's chest and creating a much-needed distance between us. He looks surprised as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, taking a step back into my apartment. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I seethe, my chest heaving visibly as I failingly attempt to steady my emotions.

"Kate, isn't it about time we make up?" Theo asks, his face contorting into an expression I can't quite identify. However, his words only seem to anger me further, and I have no desire to know what he's thinking or feeling at this moment. "We were so good together, you know? Let's just forget about whatever happened while you were away, and we can go back to the way things were before Minnesota."

"Theo, get the hell out of here," I reply, a peculiar sense of fear washing over me that I hadn't anticipated. I take another step backward, my back bumping directly into the firm chest I've grown accustomed to; honestly, it settles my nerves slightly to know Levi is near. "I have no interest in whatever you're trying to do here," I tell Theo, feeling more confident in my words with Levi's presence so close to me. "We weren't good together. You cheated on me. And we never even loved each other... It's over, Theo. Get out of here, and don't come back."

Theo looks at me in confusion for several moments before raising his gaze to meet Levi's face. Suddenly, his expression shifts to one of anger, and he takes a couple of steps into my apartment. "You're rejecting me for him?" he asks, gesturing to Levi with his fists tightly clenched.

Levi steps around me, putting himself between Theo and me, acting as some sort of barrier between the two of us. "Look," he says, his already deep voice made heavier with his own fury. "You have no business being here anymore. It's time to move on."

Scoffing, Theo rolls his eyes at Levi before responding, "Do you think I'm afraid of you or something? I am Theodore Aldrich!"

"I don't give a shit who you are," replies Levi, crossing his arms over his chest. "Anyone with common decency would leave a woman alone after she blatantly stated she wasn't interested. You know, I've heard you're quite the celebrity around here; I wonder how people would react once the media caught wind of your attempts to harass your ex."

Theo's face visibly pales, his feet staggering back as if someone had just punched him hard in the gut. After a moment, he collects himself slightly, glowering angrily at me around Levi's shoulder. "You're not even worth it!" he grumbles before stomping down the hallway and disappearing from sight.

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