08 | John

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She moves like she kills.

Swift and deadly.

The shadows bathe me in their essence, the taste of brutality on my tongue as I curl my fingers around her throat, my other hand slicing over her mouth and cutting off any words begging to escape as I pull her into my chest.

Heat sizzles between us as the shadows swallow us whole.

"Fancy meeting you here." I murmur darkly by her ear, the taunt loud in my tone as her hair rustles from the rush of air.

I still abruptly as a sharp prick meets my trousers, slicing through fabric and thread. I step back, looking down at the dagger poised to slice my dick from my body at her command.

"You wouldn't dare."

I let go of her abruptly, my hands reaching for the sharp instrument but the woman only inches it closer.

I freeze.

"Big risk to take, isn't it?" Her fingers flex around the handle, the warning in her body and words clear as crystal. "Or should I say little."

I chuckle, my chin dipping as I murmur lowly, the stubble on my jaw scratching along her skin.

My hand finds itself on her waist without thought, fingers flexing almost possessively before I force them to relax.

"I could show you if you'd like." My voice is husky, the arousal unhidden in the low tones.

"Or I could show you." She snarks back, pushing the knife in further until I feel it whispering along a vein. My hips jerk back, putting some much needed space between my dick and the weapon in the woman's hand.

"If you wanted to be up close and personal." I hiss in her ear, jaw flexing as I keep one eye on the dagger and the other on the other predator in my vicinity. "All you had to do was ask."

"This is me asking."

"How am I to show you I'm a gentleman if you cut off my dick?" I wonder aloud, narrowing my eyes on the back of her blood red locks.

"Hello John." She says sensually, the sound of my name from her lips like a balm to my bruised soul.


I twirl her around, her back crashing into the wall as I look down at her, drawn into those depthless eyes, drowning.

She narrows them at me, gaze tracing the mask hiding my features from view.

Her chest skims mine and my eyes narrow, seeing through her seduction instantly and I lift a brow tauntingly.

I move swiftly, fingers curling around her wrist as I snap it against the wall, the weapon she used to skim my cock now clattering against the floor.

I crowd her into the wall further, pushing her further into the shadows who clasp onto her hungrily.

My thumb caresses her thumping vein, my own heart beating in time with hers before I force myself to stop.

"You've got quite the mouth on you for someone injured." I say to distract myself.

"I can show you what it does."

Both brows lift in surprise at her brazen attitude.

"I might take you up on that offer, but not tonight."

I let go of her suddenly, backing away. She dives for her dagger instantly, her eyes never once leaving mine.

She brandishes it my way.

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