33 | Lilac

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I blink my eyes open, hand smoothing over the sheets beside me to find them cold to the touch, Sebastian's body long since vacated the spot.

I shake my head, lifting myself from the bed and looking downstairs from where I sit, finding the warehouse completely empty, no sign of Seb anywhere.

I push the sheets from my body and search for my clothes, slipping them on, the silence of the loft warehouse grating on frayed nerves.

Sitting on the end of the bed, I pull on my boots before climbing down the stairs, exiting the warehouse knowing I need to catch up with Andy and see where she's at in finding out where Samael is.
• • •

I step over the threshold of the falling apart house, evading the trip wire I can vaguely make out in the darkness before stepping over another, walking further into the dilapidated property.

I don't bother calling her name, already knowing where she is as I make my way to her office, pushing the door open slowly, my eyes widening before I duck out of the way, a slight whistle entering my ears.

"Fuck." I hiss out and Andy jumps up from her spot, "Sorry, I thought you were Liam."

"You were going to shoot him?"

"He moves fast." Is her only reply and I raise both brows.

"You like him."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do." I step further into the room, shutting the door behind me. "Where is he anyway?"

She shrugs, "Don't know, don't care."

"Sure." I reply, totally convinced.

She doesn't reply, retaking her seat at her desk. "I assume you're here about Samael and not to tell me about your fantastic Sexcapades?"

I cough and she spins in her chair, "Well?"

"It was fine."

"Fine?" She splutters, "Fine is what you tell someone after they ask how you are when you someone died. Fine is what you say to the waiter when the food taste like food. Fine is not what you say about sex."

I shrug, crashing onto the lounge, "It was great."

She gives me a deadpan look, "that's all you're going to tell me?"

I look at her, straight-faced. "Yes."

She narrows her eyes, brows drawing together with annoyance. "Fine." She mutters, "let me stab you."

I blink but hold out my hand as she grabs the syringe and a vial.

"I thought we ran out?"

"I found more at the compound."

"So that's what you found, I was wondering what you were hiding."

"I had to test it and make sure it was safe for you and not a new drug before I gave it to you."

I shrug, not minding that she kept it to herself for a few days. "It's fine." I grin at the glare she sends my way, wincing only slightly when she inserts the needle.

When done, she places the cap back on and throws the used needle, turning back to her computer. "Now, I haven't found much on Samaels whereabouts but I may have found someone who knows."


"Lincoln Xavier, he's the owner of the company that supplies Samael with his machines and he just released a new batch to be sent to him."

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