34 | Lilac

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The walls are suffocating, a sense of wrongness pushing into my senses as I walk along the floor. 

Being back here isn't something I'd expected to do ever again, yet life had a way of taking what we wanted and giving us the complete opposite.

I am learning to roll with the punches.

I stop, listening to the sounds of steps heading my way before I continue walking, lifting my head up so I exude a sense of confidence one would expect out of someone who belongs here.

It was an easy mask to obtain, having lived in the building through my teenage years, knowing the twists and turns like the back of my hand.

I just never expected that the closest thing to home I could have had was somewhere my father would move his lab too.

But here we are.

I walk past the woman heading my way, her eyes focused on her steps, her head lifting to glance briefly at me.

I pay her no mind, looking straight ahead as I continue my walk.

If you act like you belong nobody tends to question it. And I used to belong here, so I knew how to act.

I push through the door, the scratches marring the metal tickling under my palm before I slip though it, letting it close behind me, eyes taking in the long hallway and the door branching off it.

I take slow, measured steps down the hallway, keeping my steps silent, as well as any noise I make as I slowly walk past door after door, looking through the small windows cut into each one.

I don't know what I'm looking for, maybe one big sign saying, Liam's teammates are in here.

I see no one, because of course it couldn't be that easy.

I stop when a sound reaches my ears, my hearing straining to find the source of the noise, but it's too faint.

Moving quickly, I take the bend at the end of the hallway, my steps soft and sure.

I reach the end of the small hallway just as the sound grows louder.

I stop, back resting against the wall, listening to the multiple steps coming my way before they stop, speaking lowly to each other.

My brows furrow, straining to listen to the two men talk, my heart beat speeding up when I hear my fathers voice, a shock to my system even if I had prepared myself for the inevitable of seeing him.

I breathe out the anxiety, listening to the second man, his voice familiar to me.

I crouch to the ground, peaking around the corner to get a look at them, my eyes widening at the sight presented to me.

Romeo stands with my father, his hands folded neatly behind his back as they talk between each other, a rush of noise entering my senses when they start walking again, their voices growing in volume.

"She is putty in my brothers' hands." I hear Romeo say and my stomach drops, throat closing as I blink in shock, knowing they're talking about me. "It won't be long."

"It's already been too long." My father says, the words heavy with derision and Romeo looks down, as if chastised.

"I will make sure he amends his mistakes, sir."

"Be sure that he does." Samael snaps, "Liam is already a black mark on your paperwork, don't let Sebastian be another one."

"Liam has always been the weak link between us, John knows better."

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