06 | Lilac

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The ivory floor length dress hugs every dangerous curve of my body as I wait patiently for the elevator to open.

I glance covertly over my shoulder, the beige walls pristine and boring. A bellhop walks past me, his short ginger hair sticking up every which way as I wait for the precious ding.

I let out a bored breath and glare at the numbers, willing them to move.

Finally, they start ascending until it hits the floor above mine, twelve - I scoff and glare harder at the number.

"Stupid fucking number."

A worker looks at me as if I'm crazy before hastening their steps.

I grimace.

They might be right.

The doors slide open with a ding, and I shake off the sweet melancholy and enter.

I smile politely at the people inside and see the ground button has already been selected.

A man stands in the back corner, his hands tucked neatly in his suit pockets, face impassive as he watches the doors.

His features are hidden even with the three mirrors surrounding us, yet my focus stays locked on him. Curiosity outweighs conscious thought and I stare hard at his reflection.

The numbers count down and we stop while I continue to stare at him.

The elevator dings and I take a step to exit when a gruff voice echoes in the compact place.

"This isn't your stop."

My head lifts and I catch a sharp jaw and stubbled cheeks before looking at the floor number. I move out of the way as people file out, leaving the stranger and I alone.

"How do you know?" I sass even as I step back and watch the doors shut.

"With that dress, you would only be going to the Gala."

"You never know, maybe I'm meeting a gentleman in his room and wanted to dress up for a good fuck."

Sometimes I watch what I say, sometimes I don't. This would be one of those occasions.

A chuckle reaches my ears, and my muscles tighten as the sound of his amusement dances across my skin.

"If you wanted to be thoroughly fucked, you wouldn't be finding a gentlemen on the second floor."

I turn to the stranger who makes the danger in my blood sing with one conversation.

"Well, if you find such a gentlemen, send him my way." I flirt before stopping myself, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand.

"If you insist." His accented tone flutters down my spine and I shiver.

His face is still hidden, and I tilt my head to get a better look, yet his features are still a mystery.

The doors ding behind me, and I twist to find we've reached my floor.

A clothed shoulder brushes past mine and I watch as the dark-haired man stalks out, his posture oozing danger and sex.

My two favourite combinations.

I follow after him as he walks through the Gala doors and hurry when he disappears behind them.

When I reach the door, the man is gone and all I can see is a sea of rich and entitled people.

"Won't be finding a gentlemen here either." I whisper to myself before walking further in and getting lost in the crowds.

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