κεφάλαιο δεκατέσσερα

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//Chapter fourteen//

luckily for me, I was able to tell what part of the castle every one was located on

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luckily for me, I was able to tell what part of the castle every one was located on. the guardians had their wing of the castle that no matter the room you had there was clear view over the land. I took the last room available which happened to be right next to the twins. Not that I'm complaining it's better than being next to robin who plays games all night, Sadie who blasts music while practicing her power of illusion, and ebony... yeah nothing is wrong with her she goes to sleep early.

like early, early.

the room that they put me in was more than nice it was plain but being that we're not going to be here long it's better than nothing, and trust me I've come from nothing.

walking around the bedroom I decided to take a closer look at everything.

The room held this all-white theme with brown and gold decor here and there one the main a huge window taking up the entire main wall. On the main walls to the side of the bed was a huge gold mirror that almost touched the high ceiling net to it the door to the bathroom. the only thing separating the decor from the main room and the bathroom was the fact that nothing was in there except a huge glass shower, a white resin under-mounted sink detailed with a waterfall faucet, and the white squared toilet something I thought would have never existed.

walking out of the bathroom I hear a knock at the door, when I peeked to see who was there I saw that it was the man that we had met when we first entered the castle walls, beta Daniel's.

beside him were the bags I had brought on the trip here.

"You mind if I come in," he said offering a soft smile, not sure what to do I opened the door more to allow him in then shut it after him.

I quickly took my bags from him and began to unpack and put away everything I brought which wasn't a lot but honestly I wanted to avoid conversation as long as I could because goddess knows that I know that he doesn't like me. it was not like he was fully giving off that vibe or at least he wasn't trying to but I could easily tell that he disapproved of my presence.

I almost felt threatened in a way.

"So how are you liking your new room" his voice boomed as I put my shoes in a row by the dresser

"good I guess"

he sucked in a little before continuing "so I heard the king approved you to be the final guardian, congrats, that's a huge accomplishment in the werewolf world"

"there was nothing to be approved if I was born to take on the position" I replied with a little tone, I wasn't trying to be rude but he was being very disrespectful to the other guardians, beta or not you don't treat people like that.

"I was just saying" he paused "your parents must be very proud to have their daughter so high up on the werewolves scale you know-"

"wouldn't know they're dead"


there was a long silence that took over for what felt like an hour when it was only 5 minutes. I could tell he had nothing to say and honestly, I wanted to tell him to get out but being he is the royal beta that would be extremely rude and uncalled for so he can just leave on his own accord

"I truly just wanted to apologize for my discourtesy earlier and that I truly wish you the best of luck on your new-found journey normally we have dinner when you all come but by Ian's request, you all are to have dinner placed at your door exactly at eight." he announced before walking closer to the bed and dropping a fancy letter "That is from the king I believe he wishes to apologize for what happened earlier but I'm not truly sure"

I looked at the letter as I heard his footsteps continue to the door

"Who knows maybe he made a mistake after all "

the door shut and I hurry to lock it " what a dick"

advancing to where the letter was placed I quickly opened it and read

To my mate-

I've been thinking about you a lot this evening and can't wait to see you again,

your spirit lit mine up again more than you could ever imagine and to that, I must confess

see you tonight.


I wonder what that means 'your sprite lit mine up again' is that his way of saying I mean something to him if so I don't think that's possible, doesn't the king have a mate somewhere out there as for me I've already had a mate and for what people know of the goddess she never gives second chances when you find a mate they are your second soul and when I was rejected that soul was ripped out of me, shit, for the most part, my wolf may have actually been stripped because I was deemed unfit to a higher role.

In which I hope that's not the case.

instead of waiting around, I settle for putting the bathroom to good use and taking a shower. I look for where all the towels are stored and like every normal person I thought that they were somewhere in the bathroom but yet I couldn't find them, so what do I do?

I randomly check the bedroom closet to see them on the second to the very top shelf.


who and their right mind put them up there? they must be tall as hell. I tried to climb up but it was no use due to the fact the first step was very high as well so I gave up I mean humans air dry all the time right?

wrong! I wanted those towels

I walked away from the closet leaving it open and to the bathroom but then I heard something drop then I heard another drop followed by another.

"what the hell was that?"

when I go back to investigate it was the towels...they were just on the top shelf and now all of the towels were on the floor.

"maybe this castle is hunted... THANKS, GHOST" I laughed picking up a big and little towel

'your welcome'


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